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The day was nice and sunny perfectly warm as you work in your garden wearing a sundress yelping when you see a snake grabbing it with the end of a rake and hitting it on the ground until it slithered off next door warning the neighbors about the snake. You go back to working on your garden planting some new flower seeds you got and taking a few of the wildflowers out to put them in a vase inside along with picking some orange ones for your sister stopping when you felt something brush against your hand feeling something soft moving a few flowers away only to see a tiny bunny in your garden feeling your heart swell as you gently grab holding the bunny "Hi buddy are you a girl? You are" you giggle at her nose tickling against your skin sitting in your chair as the birds chirped before going back inside keeping the bunny in the middle of your bra looking down as you eat to see her asleep smiling when you see Mickie walk in sharing a kiss and being careful when you hugged her making her confused before moving your shirt out a bit pointing the tiny creature asleep making her smile wide eyed "Oh my god where did you find him?" you laugh as she gently holds the bunny in her hands petting her with her fingers as you explained what had happened in the garden earlier checking out to see if you could find the mom but so far there was no luck. The two of you spend the next four days taking care of the bunny even naming her cream cheese dye to her eating small pieces of your bagels before learning of a rescue that could help her more than the two of you could, you get a bit teary eyed as you go to the rescue saying a final goodbye becoming friends with quite a few of the rescuers who updated you on the rabbit who was healthy and being taken care of until she was grown and released in the forest thankful that you did something big even if it was just saving and caring for an animal before rescuers got involved.

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