Use somebody

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You couldn't believe that you were here and officially a part of the TNA roster thanks to your friends and newfound mentor Samoa Joe who had seen you on ECW and knew you would be wonderful in TNA. Nerves washed over you as you wait for your debut on TNA against Velvet Sky looking up over the ring as you watch a match between AJ Styles and Kevin Nash noticing a figure above before the person flies down secretly interfering while the ref was distracted helping AJ win the match noticing another person above messing with the lines immediately jumping and unhooking the man before he could be lifted too high looking into the eyes of the taller and slightly intimidating man with a look of understanding when he sees the person above looking angry that you messed with whatever his plan was, you and sting officially met after your match slowly becoming close friends and when you were being harassed by and he was constantly being threatened by Kurt Angle, he had you stay with him in his locker room backstage and the two of you became quite the unlikely tag team that fans loved. Feelings began to develop leading you to showing through your actions how much you cared for him even getting injured by Sharmell after helping him out of a pin by Booker T getting a concussion and a broken hand from being thrown and quickly shoved into the metal post of the ring feeling guilty that he had been the reason you got injured, "God I'm sorry that you got hurt" you tell him that he wasn't at fault at all but he still blamed himself "I could use somebody who cared that much..." you slowly open up about your past which was filled with so much worry and trauma quite a bit but how you felt safe with and truly cared for him being pulled into a sudden kiss realizing that the man who had become a great friend to you and that you fell for had also fallen for you. "What's on your mind?" you turn your head to see sting beside you as you are brought out of your thoughts and memories by him being home immediately hugging him intertwining your hands with a smile as the golden bands around your fingers glow in the dim sunlight "Just looking back over our past that has led us here" a fond smile appears on his face at the statement not ready for what you were fixing to tell him about your impending future as you stick your hand in your pocket and pull out an ultrasound picture leading to a long hug and a soft kiss of joy realizing that he was going to be a father.

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