Bump injury

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You stand on the apron with your tag team partner AJ who slowly starts to bounce off the ropes leaning down to fix your shorts and shoe when suddenly Trinity comes out of nowhere shoving aj on the other side of the ring while you are held in place by Christopher Daniels. You get bumped into by aj and fall face first into a chair and landing awkwardly on your hand screaming in agonizing pain as the duo run but they end up getting caught with daniels getting knocked down by a very angry Christian and trinity is thrown into the barricade by Gail Kim and Desire while aj gives a justified fight to daniels crying as christian carries you in his arms "It's okay we're gonna get you checked out" the medics immediately knew something was wrong when they turn your hand seeing one of the metacarpal bones sticking upwards being taken straight to the hospital where you are more thoroughly examined and taken to surgery waking up a few hours later with your hand heavily bandaged. The first thing you see once you are awake enough is christian holding your good hand placing a kiss on your forehead relieved that you were okay despite that you would be out for a bit to recover, you look at the doorway when the door opened to see a guilt stricken aj who apologizes for what had happened to you and apologized to christian "Sorry that you had to ditch your match man" you look at him wide eyed knowing his match tonight was a big match for him in TNA going against Samoa Joe for the TNA Championship realizing that he had spent the whole time gone with you in the hospital making your heart swell at how much he cared but also a bit guilty that he didn't get to have his match that would have changed his career within TNA zoning back from your thoughts after aj left by christian holding your face in his hands "Baby it's not your fault, I can have that match next week you're more important to me than a title" sharing a soft kiss before falling back asleep with him right next to you kissing your palm before falling asleep himself.

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