Tree decorating

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A groan was heard as you drag the box full of Christmas decorations until your boyfriend Joe picked up the box sighing in relief as you stretch before placing a few decorations around the house. After placing decorations around the house and taking a few breaks in between setting up the tree, the two of you place strings and lights on the tree before placing ornaments on the tree laughing at your dog who had some lights for outside of the house on his head taking some pictures with him before putting the lights up outside and finish placing decorating the house not too crazy but enough to have the festive and holiday feel as you each slowly put ornaments on the tree after plugging the lights in only stopping for a small snack and to wrap yourself in a jacket and put fuzzy socks on your feet when the chilly cool air in the house became to cold for you to handle since the heat had been on most of the day, you jump hearing your cat jump on the kitchen counter knocking over an unopened bag of chips that you bought earlier that day shooing her off before washing your hands and making dinner while joe left to train with a few of his friends. You giggle holding a plate for joe as he walks in from training with AJ, Magnus, and Jackson huddled in his coat "Fuck it's cold" you groans in relief eating the warm meal on the couch as you quickly run your hands on his back and put a fuzzy blanket on him while random episodes of sitcoms play on the tv placing the last few ornaments on the tree after eating taking a picture of the tree before bundling on the couch laughing at your cat on top of the couch above the two of you and your dog laying on the floor next to the two of you as you watch random Christmas movies from Home alone and The Grinch to Love actually and The holiday until you look up to see joe asleep giggling quietly as you watch the rest of Rudolph until you fell asleep bundled under two blankets laying on top of joe.

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