Nail biting

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You bite on your fingernails sitting in your locker room waiting for your long awaited match against Trinity which is going to be a big point in your career having come from a small wrestling club straight to TNA. "Stop doing that hon it's not good for you!" you jump a bit when you hear Christy chastise you on biting and chewing on your nails despite your hardest not to "I can't help it just helps" she sighs sitting next to you holding your hands in her own so you wouldn't chew on your nails anymore than you already had, she knew you were nervous even scared for your big match against trinity still being new to the roster and mostly having tag team matches after your debut against Gail Kim and your match against Tracy Brooks to go against trinity today for the TNA women's championship that would be a huge milestone within your early career "Look at me and listen babe" you lightly squeeze her hands after turning and facing her unable to stop the bouncing of your leg "You are an underdog in this but that doesn't mean you don't have a chance because of it, as long as you are willing to fight tooth and nail for whatever it is your heart wants than you always have a chance" you smile as you feel a sudden peace and calm wash over you as the last match before you finish up walking to the curtain with christy by your side. An unexpected wave of confidence washes over you as you walk down to the ring with christy standing ringside cheering you on as the match goes on for what feels like an eternity until you finally got the upper hand with a hurricarana and a quick pin to follow gaining the win immediately being pulled into an emotional and heartfelt hug by christy while being announced as the new TNA women's champion proving that despite not being on the roster long you were a force to reckon with against anyone.

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