Chapter 5 - Handcuffed

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"Everyone got it?" Jen asks towards our mini team after giving a speech on tactics. We all nod knowing what we need to do. "And you," she points at me with a stern look, "I want clean game, no anger, no swearing."

"Would I ever?"

The group looks towards me with raised eyebrows.

"Okay, yeah fair."

We play Leah's team first, whoever looses this game plays team 3 which is Beth's team. The rest of the girls are watching on the sidelines. I have a slight sweat on as we move to our positions which says a lot baring in mind I'm the only player in just shorts and a t-shirt, well and McCabe. Their team are still having a tactics meeting, so we wait. I hate waiting. Way to many thoughts are going round in my head, the main one being that their tactics might just consist of trying to hack me down.

I look across to Beth on the sideline who gives me a reassuring thumbs up.

They soon break and I'm planted on the spot as I see Leah run in my direction. Her head is down but I can see her game face is on. I don't really know how she does it, as much as I can be emotionless my face definitely struggles to hide my emotions, but hers is always unreadable in games. I guess it's the professionalism. Katie eyes me up of course and luckily Viv is on the opposite side of the pitch being marked by Lia, but anything can happen.

The game is soon underway with Caitlin kicking us off. She passes the ball directly to me and just like that, I'm in the zone. I see McCabe charging at me, I fake one way and she falls for it.

Everytime McCabe.

An echo of 'oooo's' follow, I try not to but I can't help the slight smirk that form on my face.

I pass neatly to Caitin who is soon swarmed by Leah. I make a run past and point to Leah's legs. Caitlin clocks on and slides the ball through, nutmegging her before I leave her for dust. Before I would make a joke of some sort about someone doing something like that, but not these days. I'm 1v1 with Manu, but I can feel footsteps gaining on me, with pace. I dink the ball in the air and it chips right over Manu. 1-0.

Beth is my own personal cheerleader going mental while the other girls just clap.

I can see the frustration build up within the their team. Jen gives me a pat on the back while I return to my position.

"Nice goal there Stoney." Lia says offering me a smile to which I return.

Right, back in the zone.

Viv kicks off for team 2 and makes a pass to McCabe. Now, as a attacking mid and her being left wing we do unfortunately have to have contact with eachother. I run with her and watch the ball intently at her feet, her arms are gripping my t-shirt in an attempt to hold me off, she is shoulder barging me and catches me just right so I bite my lip. Fuck I hate that. I don't give up, I know I'm stronger. I curl my foot around and take the ball straight from her feet.

"Fuck sake." She shouts in frustration trailing at my heals to make up her mistake. Looking up I see Caitlin making a perfect run through Steph and Leah. I cross the ball across the pitch and place it right where it needs to be. They could do nothing. 2-0.

I swiftly wipe the blood from my lip as we head back to our positions.

"You okay?" Leah asks seeing the little amount of blood I'm wiping away as she jogs up beside me.

Fuck, I'm caught right off guard there. That's the first things she has said to me in a 1-1 setting in 2 months. Wow, my heart is beating so prominently I can feel it in my ears.

"All good." I smile. You dick.

This time Katie kicks off for team 2, she makes a back pass to Leah that is intercepted by Lia. Not for long though as Leah fights for the ball back. Leah looks up and lobs a perfect ball to Viv. Jen is hot on her heals but it's not enough. 2-1.

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