Chapter 14 - Whirlwind

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It's been 3 days.

3 days I've sat by Rori's bed side. I've not left. Disgusting as it may be, I don't care. I can't bring myself to leave her side knowing no one will potentially be here when she wakes up. There have been so many hick up arise, wouldn't surprise me if Rori was fucking with us for fun knowing her how I know her.

The only time I have left is to go for a pee and that's if someone else is in the room.

The doctors come and go doing their monitoring offering me nothing but small smiles. It makes me feel sick. I just want her to be okay and as peaceful as she looks it's heartbreaking.

I never thought I'd see the day where I wanted nothing more than to hear one of her annoying, sarcasm riddled, shitty but admittedly funny, jokes.


"Leah, come on we will sit in the family room." Wally says trying to pull me from Jonas. Truth is, so just want someone to hold. I latch onto Lia as we make out way with the Arsenal girls. My heart feels heavy and my feet feel even heavier as I try and make my way around.

Everything finally felt like it was falling into place. Me and Rori was gonna have the talk I was dying to have to move past everything and maybe try and rekindle something? we was going to go on a team retreat tomorrow that hopefully was going to be full of laughs and amazing memories but now, that doesn't look like it is going to happen, I know it definitely wasn't as Katie cancelled the trip planning to rearrange.

As we walk into the family room we all bunch up next to eachother with people who couldn't fit falling onto the laps of others. My eyes skimmed across the team. Beth had red tear stained cheeks as she clung onto Viv who looked about the same. Katie couldn't control the tears as they fell silently from from her eyes, her touch exterior completely breaking down in front of all of us. Everyone else more silent than ever.

I don't understand how this happened? How was this not noticed by the medical team? We have failed her.

I think, for the most part I'm in shock because I feel completely sort of... numb. I don't know what to feel or how I should even be feeling but I do know that at one point in time I had such love for Rori and maybe the part of me that pushed it back to forget about it was wrong, because I think... I still do.

I feel a hand on my shoulder but I can't bring myself to move my eyes from a certain spot in corner the room.

"Le, she will be okay."

I look meekly to my right and see Jen weakly smiling at me. I'm not sure if she was trying to convince herself or me.

Hours we waited, fucking hours with no one telling us anything. As the night got later some of the girls had fallen asleep, some were chatting to try and take their mind of what is happening. I just sat, with a million thoughts running though my head, growing more and more irritated by the lack of communication from the doctors.

The second a doctor walked in the room I shot up.

"Wow, erm is this the family of Lorelai Calliope Stone?" She seems taken back by how many of us there are.

"Her middle name is Calliope?" Katie says in confusion completely oblivious to the situation we're in clearly.

"Really Katie?" Steph says smacking her stomach as she hunches with a cough. "Sorry." She mumbles.

Pushing that aside, "It's Rori!" I shout knowing she hates her full name and would kick off if it was used.

"Yes!" Beth shouts also standing up.

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