Chapter 40 - Shut up, Let Me Think

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Okay, so hear me out? My disuse worked perfectly for the Spain match but 4 days later for the Sweden match last kinda didn't.

Personally, I think I'm well within my rights to blame Izzy! She wanted to come with me along with Gia and Gracie. Unsurprisingly, Gia and her are like best buds...who saw that coming? Oh yeah, it was me. Anyway, the kids stayed with Travis to make it less even though I made it clear I didn't like the idea, I couldn't stop her anyway. Gracie and Gia weren't the issue because they have no connection to me as far as the media knows, however a lot are aware of Izzy and the kids so when she decided to take her hat and sunglasses off when getting drinks at half time, she obviously had some suspicious arsewipes follow her back...who then proceeded to take a snapshot and uploaded them to twitter. Granted, she seemed ecstatic and so did the commenters but that obviously spiralled onto every platform and the game was ruined for me being constantly bombarded with fans trying to find me and then approaching with their camera's flashing in my face.

Last thing I wanted.

I did go a little mental because I didn't want little Gracie in any shots out of privacy and really, I wanted my own fucking privacy because I'm still not where I want to be physically to have my photos blasted across the internet but I guess I can only blamed myself for going.

I did however give money to that girl who's phone I launched into the concrete...supringly she wasn't that mad and said she was going to 'resin' the phone because I had touched it, bit creepy but at least I'm not facing any criminal damage charges.

Not wanting to ruin it for the others as the second half began, I took the crowd away from the seats so they could continue watching in peace. I tried my best to politely tell them all to fuck off and let me just enjoy but it didn't work to well.

My god, the questions they asked we're exhausting and it kinda had me feeling like a broken record.

"When are you coming back?"

"How are you?"

"What happened?"

"Why aren't you in training, still?"

"Why aren't you in the friends and family area?"

They went on and on and on. In the end, I think I just got overwhelmed and I ended up leaving Bramall Lane and sitting in the car to watch the rest of the match from my phone. I thought that would be better for everyone including myself which is quite sad given that this match is the match that determines wether England are in the final.

I sort of already knew it was coming because by half time we was 2-0 up and obviously we looked like loons jumping around as a group but I'm still pretty pissed at Izzy for the whole thing.

Since then, I have received numerous abuse text messsges from the England girls who have seen the social's saying they are mad I didn't come players side and was hiding away. Obviously it was banter all in good nature...maybe Beth's wasn't but you know, that's just the relationship me and Beth have.

It's been nice to talk to most of them recently, takes my mind off the keyboard warriors who probably support Chelsea slandering my muscle loss and appearance. I'm not to bothered about it though because I'm getting to where I want to be.

So fuck em.

I can't think of anything else that had happened...oh yeah, my aunt keeps reaching out to Izzy begging me, her and Trav to have contact with my dad, yet again, to which we all told her where to shove it but other than that it's been a boring scene.

It's the evening before the final. The bloody final. Izzy's working till late so I have the gremlins with Travis who volunteered to keep me company. I just put Bonnie to bed while Trav took Benny. He definitely had a smoother time than me. Seriously why do toddlers babble so much?

"Excited for tomorrow?" He asks cracking open a beer and taking a sip while plodding onto the sofa.

After pondering on the idea I decided Beth was probably right now people are assuming I will be at Wembley.

There this massive poll going around about which stand I will be 'hiding' in and the first personal that finds me needs to send a picture and blah blah. That being said I will be in the friends and family spot which I won't lie, I'm extremely nervous for.

I'm trying not to think about it to much which is why I have just sat down next to Trav with a lovely bottle of Prosecco and the challenge channel calling my name.

"I am. I'm still gutted I won't be playing in our first final but nothing change that so it's good to just be there, you coming? I got enough tickets."

"Are you joking?" He says with a laugh, "of course I'm coming! Wouldn't miss it for the world. Free alcohol if we win, right?"

My eyes narrowed in towards him, "Hey, I'm kidding..." He protested nudging my arm with a cheeky grin. "But will there be?"


"What? Gotta keep myself entertained somehow with a bunch of adrenaline hyperactive women?"

"You make a good point. Anyway, shut up and watch this with me." Pointing the remote to the TV I turn up the volume.

Trav gets some pen and paper out which raises my curiosity and annoyance. "Wanna make it a competition?"

I smile, "Of fucking course I do. Hand me the damn pen."

While we are sprawled across the sofa a few episodes deep into the chase aswell as my bottle and many beers for Trav my phone starts to buzz from the coffee table. Groaning, I lean forward to turn it over.

It's starting to get a little late, who the fuck is calling me?

I was right in the swing, obviously getting more questions right than Travis. Fyi, he is sulking about it and insisting I'm a massive cheat.

I flip my phone and my heart stops for a split second as I rub my near bulging eyes.

Am I reading that correctly?

I quickly sit up and gain some sort of composure that seems to have flown out of the window. This is the last person I thought would be calling me.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Travis asks worryingly noticing my clear change. "Rori? You're worrying me."

Why is she calling me? Have I been butt-dialled?

Travis leans over I'm guessing due to my lack or response and raises an eyebrow before looking at me, "You gonna...I don't know, answer that?" His smirk is better telling, which is very annoying.

"Shut up, let me think."

"Nothing to think about." His tone once worried turned glee as he sipped his beer with a nonchalant shrug and a shit eating grin. His whole face was very smackable right now.

Fuck sake. Get it together Rori. Maybe just let it ring? No I can't do that, it might be important.

My finger hover's over the green button. I knew the ring was in its way out.

Fuck it.

I stand up and manoeuvre my way across the room in a stressing panic.


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