Chapter 43 - Together

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"England! European champions for the very first time! History makers, record breakers, game changers."

"I can't believe it, Vicki!"

"And look how much it means."

I can't stop crying. I haven't stopped crying since the final whistle blew. I had been shouting at the ref for 5 minutes insisting we have gone way over time—I must admit I think I lost myself a little there until Jill reminded me that the second half of the extra is 15. Anyway, me and the girls have all been running around the pitch depleting the little energy we have left but still managing to find stupid amounts more. Sliding through confetti, jumping on eachother, crying into eachother, hugging eachother.

I have Rori to thank for having no pain. I'm not sure about my emotions, but this an emotional time...right?

I didn't think there is a feeling in the world that could top this. That was until I turned around I saw her in the distance. Rori, for the most part has been one of the main star's today. I mean, that's a given, a lot of people seeing her for the first time in what feels like forever. Fan's and family's all huddled around asking for autographs and updates practically wherever she walked. It was nice to see, but I couldn't really see her through it all.

Until now.

Beth is pulling her down from the stands, against her will, I think. I see her family laughing as she gets dragged away. Bonnie might be crying, probably thinking she's being kidnapped but it's a funny sight to watch. My heart hammers against my chest while my eyes seem to be glued to her as everything around me went quiet, almost like time stood still and my soul focus was on her. Of course it wasn't quiet at all, the stadium was roaring louder than I have ever known but to me, everything was silenced by the mear sight of her.

She looked better than I every thought she could and I thought that was impossible, even from a distance. Different, but so much better. Her perfect skin glows with a dark tan that made her eye's fire with Emerald green. Her whole complexion seemed brighter as she opened her mouth revealing her crisp white teeth. The corners of her eyes crinkles when Beth embraced her in a hug and spun her around into the pitch. Her hair was lighter and flowed in all the perfect ways. She looked more slight but still, her muscles popped just like they always did which (I can't lie) causes me a breif fluster.

She looks more alive than ever.
More pure than ever.
More happy then ever.

I couldn't take my eyes away. It was like sticky toffee held them on and as I tried to pull away, the loose strings etched me back.

She hasn't seen me, but I have seen her.

The only thing that pulled me away was being tackled to the floor by Georgia and Kiera. The silence was no longer as if all came flooding back. "We've fucking done it!" The words just made me break into tears again as we rolled round the floor like deluded idiots. "And the captain, lifts the trophy." Georgia smirks full of mischief as me and Kiera laugh.

The girls soon get up and after some photos together continue on their voyage but I drop again and stay led like a star fish, in my own little world. The sun was beating down and as I looked up the cloud's moved with the wind, it's a beautiful sight. My eyes close, covering them with folded arms while I take a composing, very shaky breath.

Really, I should go up and see my family like everyone else has but that would mean seeing Riley and I don't want this moment ruined because—

"Well well well..." My thought's stopped as my ears prick at the voice. I couldn't help my mouth turn up into a smile before I slightly lowered my arms down. My eyes adjusted back to the bright light as the perfect view stood over me "Terrific performance, Williamson. If I do say so myself."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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