Chapter 25 - Celebration's P2

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I drop Leah, Beth and Viv off with the added suprise extra of Katie. Honestly...I don't know how uber drivers do it, the shit they were chatting in their already 'tipsy' states had my head in a spin. Katie, as much as she protested she wasn't, was so tanked already that her words made no sense to the sober mind with her accent growing thicker and thicker, however Beth seemed to understand perfectly fine as they chatted gibberish to eachother. Leah was talking to Viv spun in the front seat for the most part. I, was just trying to not zone out at all the shite being chatted around me as my eyes intently focued on the road. It filled my heart to be surrounded by these idiots.

I dropped them off with ease and wished them all a good night. Leah leant across and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek that just made my heart burst.

Currently, I'm sat on Leah's sofa with whatever god awful rubbish is on the tv. I like being alone, as we know...but when I'm alone my mind tends to wonder in places it shouldn't and, I've grown rather accustomed to not wanting to be alone anymore.

My brains just alittle confused. Like what are me and Leah right now? She spent all that time with me in hospital, I went to hers and spent the day with her family—even if it was accidental, we kiss, we cuddle, we make moves on eachother than could lead to other things if I hadn't stopped it. I don't know what we are? technically right now, we aren't anything. We have discussed on taking things slow, but what does that mean? It's not been discussed that we will only see eachother, or is that a given? even though I wouldn't dream of seeing anyone else in that way. She might? nooo she wouldn't...she couldn't?


Hours passed and I had text Leah a while
ago to ask if everything was okay. I didn't want to seem too much but how worked up she got earlier I thought it was best to check she was okay. Everytime I looked I had no reply but was left on read, ouch. I mean, maybe she's just drunk having a good time? yeah, that's probably it.

After making some food, I plonk back on the sofa and turn my attention again to the tv, catchphrase is on, what a show. Half way through, I'm on a roll. Then my phone pings.

Viv M

Viv M: Hi ro csn u pici Betj uo she's to druml

I stare at the message, then re read and re read. It makes not a whole lot of sense but I make out  'Beth' and 'drunk'. Brilliant, I wonder how many trips I will make tonight.

I jump up and put my shoes on. Before closing the door and making my way back to Leah's car. I made sure to text Viv to say I will park where I dropped them off.

I can't lie, I will speed.

When I pull up, there is no sign of anyone. I wait 5 minutes, then 10, then 15.

"Fuck sake!"

I scan the car and see a Nike baseball cap on the back seat. I put it on before turning the car off and hop out.

I take a deep breath, looking up at the dark sky filled with pretty stars. My breath fills the space in front of me with a cloud. Fuck it's cold. "Beth, I swear...unless you are paralytic right now. I'll kill you for this."

I make my way through the main doors. This place is fancy as fuck. Way to fancy for what I'm wearing. I also, have no clue where I'm going.

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