Chapter 18 - Burn the Pages

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"Yeah but, what I'm asking is like, can I go home or what?"

"We need to re-assess before making any decisions Rori."

"Jobs worth..."


"Oh nothing...but you said that yesterday? and the day before? I feel better, I do!"

"You've been on a few short walks where you nearly passed out."

"They were one off's..." She's not convinced. "Fine, can I at least have a shower today or nah?"

"You can, everything is healing nicely."

"Thank fuck! Nice one bruvaaa." I punch my fist in the air.

"What are we thank fucking?" Amanda asks walking into my hospital room, many bags in hand.

I smile towards her, "I can have a shower, I'm gassed!" I exclaim being over the moon.

"I won't ask what gassed means... but thank god for that!"

"Aye! what's that meant to mean?"

I managed to convince Leah to go back to training now I'm, well alive. The girls all came the evening I woke up, not that I was much company as I literally couldn't keep my eyes open but they took full advantage in bombarding me with mug shots I personally think I will never live down. Apparently it's acceptable when you are still ill but not in a coma anymore.

Amanda has been everyday, which I think is sweet but she really doesn't have to. Nothing can convince me that she shouldn't still hate me. Izzy finally got in touch. Turns out she went to see Trav in Australia which I did know about but apparently forget and clearly couldn't communicate at the time. More so turns out Ada—being the 2 year old terror she is, broke her phone throwing it in a swimming pool. She didn't think it was to much of a big deal until headlines broke worldwide that I was in in hospital after Arsenal finally realised a statement. I facetimed her to settle her worries and told her she didn't need to come back, she doesn't know I was in a coma, what good will worrying her across the world do?

"I brought this one is it okay?" Amanda asks holding shower gel and shampoo up.

"Perfect!" I smile. I couldn't grab it quick enough. Practically ripped the poor women's hand off with it.

I pull my legs around the bed in an attempt to get up unaided. I absolutely hate that people have had to help me with nearly everything. Makes my skin crawl that I can't be independent, but on the bright side, things are getting alot easier and I've managed to get through without any pain killers, had a few hiccups with bouts of sickness and dehydration but for the most park I'm better and I'm praying I can go home soon.

"Aren't you meant to wait for the nurse?" She raises an unimpressed eyebrow.

"Meh, that's longggg. I'll be fine."

"Never have been one for following the rules have you?" She jokes.

"Never, what's the fun in that?" I laugh managing to get up myself.

I spent what felt like hours in the shower. I don't know if anyone has not showered for a week but I felt disgusting. I left the door open to settle Amanda's worries with the shower curtain pulled across. She must have asked me ever 2 minutes if everything was okay.

I knew I shouldn't have been in there that long. The heat was making me feel dizzy and I probably made the hospitals water bill plummet. So I decide to get out.

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