Chapter 32 - Hallucinating?

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"Do I look like a fucking idiot or what?"

"I really don't think you want me to answer that mate."

Of course I wasn't going to get a reasonable response out of Beth mead.

Me and Leah did in fact do a pros and cons list, it was actually quite helpful until it turned into an adventure sex session. Not saying that didn't help either...probably the best date ever.

"Jokes aside, I think you're thinking to much into this mate."

Shaking my head, I strongly disagreed, "I really don't think I am."

"I'm telling you, there is no need to look into every reason for everything, Stoney. It will drive you loopy loo loo."





"Respectfully, fuck you." I smile sarcastically towards Beth before standing and leaving the canteen, she didn't even listen to what I had to say, so I couldn't be bothered.

I have been rather accustomed to thinking going in there before training these days wouldn't be to bad, wrong. I always maintained just not at lunch so flexed myself to a breakfast—stupid decision.

In my head, lunch is when I can be on the field on my own. I may grab a snack or drink of some sort but then I head straight back out. The girls know this is just what I do and leave me to it but I thought I would try out coming in the morning.

Never again.

Of course, we didn't do enough beat Chelsea and finished second in the table for the WSL. Obviously, we was all gutted but we have to move on. It's now one one of the last few days at training before we get a couple of weeks off. It always flys before pre season so I plan to make the most of it, doing what? No clue yet but something.

Right now, I'm a little annoyed. Well, not annoyed but...I don't know. Beth is right and maybe that's why I am annoyed because she is never right. I shouldn't look into everything like it is an ulterior motive while giving off an I don't care attitude but at the same time, I can't fucking help it. If I could just turn that switch off I would. Seriously.

"Woah. Hi there." I look up and see as I turned the corner as Leah came out of a room. I was about to bump into her but narrowly missed. Leah gives me a confused look but puts her hands on my upper arm.

"Hi, Beautiful." I coo noticing how fine she looks.

She couldn't help but smile, and that smile, made my chest warm. "Where are you going in a rush? Wait, was you in the canteen?" She further questioned.

"I was, and I won't be doing it again."

"Did something happen?" She pulled me into the empty room so I was in front of her. She rubbed my arms slightly. I could see the (not so) consealed concern all over her face. That much is to be expected with how often I have acted out in there.

I think I've stressed her enough.

"Nah, actually nothing happened. If you class Beth Mead actually talking something sensible then yeah, something revolutionary may have happened which I no longer wish to be apart of."

"Now you have me curious, What did she say?"

I sigh, "She just said there is no need for me to look into everything so much as it 'will drive you loopy loo loo'." I air quite the last bit.

"Ahhh, I see," Leah's face is smug, "Didn't someone else tell you that too? I can't recall who it was though...let me think..."

"How about..." I grab her waist and pull her closer to me, "You..." I grip a little tight, "Shut...your...mouth."

"How...about..." Leah wraps her arms now around my neck. She is so goading me.


"Oh, Williamson. Look at you being a flirt."

"You like it? Huh?"

"Uh—huh." I smirk. Leah's tongue grazes her lips and it was all to temping. I lean in, impossibly close but just so our lips aren't touching.

Her eyes flit across my whole face, even up close and I can't help but follow them. "Are you teasing me?" She whispers and god, it's attractive.

"Is it working?"

Her head rubs against mine as she nods. Fuck this. I close my eyes and as I gently lunge towards her lips, I fall forward. She disappeared?

What the fuck?

Looking around I see I'm completely on the room by myself.


Rubbing my eyes until everything goes all black and fuzzy, I open them and watch the light seeping back in. The light that is brighter than usual with a breeze. Squinting slightly as my senses come to, I'm...outside?

"Yo, Rori? Come on you're already late."

Turning to the left I see the girls all running, training. Beth is beckoning me over but my brain is not braining. I'm, I'm really confused.

"Rori! Come on?"

I jog over and everyone is staring at me with these creepy arse eyes. I couldn't actually care, I was still trying to think about how that all just happened.

Have I been drugged? Has Beth drugged me?

"Beth," I say bringing her attention back to me, "Where is Leah?" I couldn't see her and for her not to be here is, strange.

"Lia? Lia Walti?"

"No you dick, My Leah."

"Your Leah?" She looks confused. "What are you talking about?"

Then it clicks, must be some kind of fucked up joke. "Yeah, Williamson. About yay-high, long arse legs, leng blonde?"

I'll give it to her, she's a good actor. "Mate, have you hit your head?"

She can't get me.

"Ha ha. Give it up Mead, I know she's around here somewhere. Also, how did I get outside?"

"Rori, I have no idea what you are talking about? Or who you are talking about for that matter."

As I took a look around, I couldn't see her anywhere. Bringing my head back forward I went to speak to Beth but she was gone, everyone was gone.

Okay, enough.

There is no way, everyone could have disappeared that quickly. What is going on?

The more I stared into the distance, the more the grass extended. I look around and see I'm completely surrounded by grass as the training centre gets further and further away from me.

I must be hallucinating?

I searched my pockets for my phone, I know that fucker is in there.


Just as I let out a scream, I felt myself growing dizzy. I picked up my legs and started to run, but I wasn't going anywhere. This is a fucking nightmare, has to be. Ill wake up any second.

My vision began to blur and my body grew weak, falling to the floor. Even the sky looks like it's closing down on me.

Fuck, I can't breath.

"Wake up!" I shout.

"Wake up!"

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

I closed my eyes and for a moment, and I felt at peace. That was before I realised I couldn't open them again.

Darkness, darkness was all I could see before...

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