Chapter 24 - Celebrations Begin

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"Please don't crash my car." Leah announces shuffling through her many playlists as we pull off her childhood drive way.

"I'll have you know, I've never crashed a car! you on the other hand..."

Her head snaps round in a glare. "None of them were my fault." She gasps like I used that against her.

"Mhmmmm." I nod slowly trying not to laugh. I think Leah has 'crashed' 3 or 4 times, that I know of. Nothing serious and none of them involved another vehicle... but I mean who can't see a massive yellow skip?

We pull up to Leah's and the realisation hits me I have to get an uber back to Beth's. My internal groan must have burst through because Leah noticed my change, even in her tipsy state that hasn't subsided at all.

"What's wrong?" She rests her hand on my thigh while I park.

"Just remembered I'll have to get back to Beth's." I can't help but sigh.

Her hand grip's slightly firmer, "You could always just stay...for tonight?"

I mean...I could, but is that such a good idea? Let me weight this up.

"Are you sure?" Idiot that should like like weighing up does it.

"Of course! why wouldn't I be?" She smiles angelically like her hands aren't really affecting me right now.

Fucking idiot.

"Okay." I smile back turning the car off.

"You can help be my little helper while I get ready." She jokes unclicking her belt.

My eyes roll, "Oh brilliant, you mean on call maid while you make me refill your drink?"

"Ding ding ding."

We laugh getting out the car. I quickly am hit with the realisation that I have not been in Leah's house since I left for rehab. Fuck. We practically lived together at hers, without it being official. I never really went to mine and it got to the point where over the course of time I had made so many trips to collect clothes they were all nearly at hers, so I in turn never had leave to go back.

Approaching the door, Leah must have dropped her keys 3 times. I watch wide mouthed as she continues to do the same movement each time which only added to the anticipation of stepping inside the door.

"It's alright don't help, will ya?" She moans laughing turning round to me. My mind was racing, that's why.

"Give me the god damn keys, butter fingers." I take the keys out of her hand and scan them. Who the fuck needs that many keys. I recognise the one we need. I slot it into the door and just like that with a twist the door cracks open. I move to the side and gently push it so Leah can enter first, the smell instantly hit me the familiar, yet both foreign and comforting.

As Leah enters, I was reluctant. A flood of memories in the warm, inviting space all came rushing back to me.

She turns to me while I stand in the doorway like a vampire waiting for permission to cross the line. "You coming?" with a step forward she holds her hand out. Her eyes are soft, her face is warm, her smile is beautiful.

"Of course." I take her hand as she guides me through the hallway. I slip my shoes off and follow direction. Everything is the same as it always was a year ago, maybe a different ornament here or there, but the light paint is still the same, the pictures all hang just like they used to.

Leah continues to guide me through the living room to the open kitchen. "What can I get you?" I ask trying to break what seems like to me awkward silence. But it wasn't awkward, not for Leah anyway. I am here to make her drinks after all.

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