Chapter 15 - Fuckery Lottery

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Rori's POV - 3 Days ago

My eyes flutter open as a harsh light glares through the large, strange, unfamiliar windows. I lift my hand above my eyes to adjust to what looks like a bright orange sunset.

Where the fuck am I?

I gingerly sit up from the bed, I actually feel quite refreshed, like I've had a lot of sleep for the first time in months. I let out a stretch before smacking my hands onto the bed in a slight haze, I look around in front of me and see I'm in what looks like...a hospital room? No no no this can't be happening. I can't be having pain killers.

"Hello? anyone?" I say out loud but got nothing return.

I rise to my feet and go to open the door raising my hand out to the handle but it swings open with a bang as it hits the wall.

"Leah!" I hold my arms open but she passes right through me in a state of sadness that I could feel through every inch of me. The feeling was something I've never felt before, it was indescribable and actually rather disturbing.

What the fuck is happening here exactly?

She runs across the room and I turn to the direction she was heading. My eyes widen in shock and disbelief as I see Leah rush to my bedside, but...but I'm still laying in the bed?

I stand in fear for a brief minute. Am I tripping... I'm in two places at once.

I look down at myself then back up to the bed where I can clearly see myself laying, tubes coming out my mouth and nose, needles in everywhere. But I'm conscious? why can't they see me? I'm conscious but detached from my body? What the fuck in the fuckery lottery is this.

"Leah!" I shout loudly.

The girls pile in all crying crowding around the bedside. Seriously...what the fuck is going on.

"Guys!" I shout again. "Hello?"

I watch on as the girls all share a moment together. I genuinely think this is a turning point in my life where I'm thinking one of two things.

One—have I actually lost my fucking mind?
Two—have I actually lost my fucking mind?

Maybe I'm dreaming? yeah maybe, maybe I'm dreaming this is all happening and I'll wake up soon enough back at the training ground.

"How has this happened!" I hear Leah snap as a doctor walks in.

"It appears the collision was high impact on the ribs, this caused blunt force trauma to break the rib bones and pierce into her lung in two places. The blood began to pool in Rori's left lung which in turn caused it to collapse. We don't know how stable her lungs will be to take on oxygen on their own as the right lung had to work extra hard to maintain the failing lung—it could have taken it's toll so we have placed her in an induced coma while we assess her ability to breathe on her own without causing anymore damage. We have to slowly drain the fluid from the lung by inserting a tube...this tube." She points and as I make my round around the bed I see a tube sticking out of my rib with a couple of stitches to hold it in place.

Ew that looks fucking gross.

I watch as all the girls flinch at the sight. My brain still cannot comprehend how I can see all this happening while I look on at myself laying in that bed, I'm, I'm stunned.

I remember getting on the coach and falling asleep on Leah, now this women is saying all this stuff? is she on drugs?

Christ that what I look like right now? can someone at least brush my hair or what? Looks like I've been pulled around like a rag doll.
I put my face in front of my own face, tilting my head side to side in complete an utter confusion.

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