Chapter 23 - W Household

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Leah's POV

Rori admitting to me that her and mum 'partially' arranged this when she was back in the hospital made my heart swell.

Dispite what some people think about Rori, I know deep down she has a heart bigger than anyone I've ever known. She can be ruthless, hard shelled and maybe even 'rude'...but that doesn't mean her heart is any less. She's just simply a girl, who has been through a lot in life and struggles. I know that, but I think sometimes I forget that.

I've seen things: like how she is with fans, I've see how she is with little kids who want a signing from her but don't think they will get one. I've seen how she will pick up something someone has dropped before they can so they don't have to bend down. I've seen her wait behind if someone in the team is walking on their own just so they feel more included even if she doesn't talk to them. I've seen how she will scan the room more than anyone else in an attempt to make sure everyone looks okay. Things most people overlook, but not Rori.

So many people enjoy being in her company, she will never be able to see herself the way everyone else does, but we all notice her beauty, her patience, her kindness, her aura, and her authenticity. She does, believe it or not— inspire so many people without realising, and that's just one of the millions of reasons I simply do adore her.

Beth drops us off at mine so I can drive to me mums. Of course they raised eyebrows towards us both when Rori announced she was coming with me but I chose to overlook it. Rori on the other hand, told them to fuck off—of course.

" I may have a little request..." Rori says sheepishly plonking herself down onto the passengers seat as I crank the heat up.

I turn my head taking my eyes briefly off where I'm going as I start to pull off the drive insinuating she had yet again forgotten the law of wearing a seat belt, "Mhm?" I reply sceptical.

"I just need to grab something from Beth's...It's—uh, for your mum. Would that be...okay?"

I have always found it adorable when Rori has this side show, this like...cute timid side. It's so different to her bulshy, hard front.

I feel my eyes soften at the girl before me, "What is it?" I'm intrigued.

"Can't tell you that." She smiles smugly, "Secret innit." She adds a little shrug.

I pull my best pout in a plee, I know she finds it hard to resist. Her head snaps to the window, "Nope, don't look at like that Williamson!"


"You will find out when we get there..."

My brain starts to think what it could be but I'm lost with my conclusions.

In a huff I agree. "Fine, we will make a stop."

After pulling up to Beth's, Rori jumps out of the car sprinting to to door and bursting inside. That girl has to much energy. I sit aimlessly scrolling through my phone when Alex pops up with a facetime call.

"Hey mate." I smile.

"Happyyyy birthdayyyy to youuuu!" She starts to sing less than angelic while prancing around which makes me laugh. "Ready for tonight?"

After composing myself from her song and dance I nod, "Mostly..."

"I know that face..." She pulls her face closer to the camera. "What's up?"

I sigh rubbing my head, "Nothing, well I mean...I just—"


"It's Rori!" I blurt covering my mouth.

Cold as Ice: The Heart of StoneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz