Chapter 7 - Slimy Work

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A couple of days has passed since my inevitable break down in the changing rooms. Can't say it was the best moment I've ever had, but it was bound to happen at some point right?

I had a call with Jonas and he undertood why I wanted to take a couple of days out of training. I had some text from the girls asking me if I was okay, I shouldn't have but I ignored them. Leah even messaged me but I thought no way. Beth had called me many times but I ignored all of those too. I've just been in my own little bubble.

I can't say I blame Beth for what she did. When she feels, she feel hard and I know it was weighing her down. Doesn't mean I wish it happened though. I'm not annoyed, I guess I'm just embarrassed to show my face. I don't know if Kim, Viv or Katie told anyone else and really, I feel like I've got to the point where I don't care but I do not want Leah to know, it's just better if she doesn't.

I want her to move on and be happy, which I hope she already has. I'm not good for her, I'm not good for anyone.

"Empire state building!"

"It's B!"

"Oh you dickhead."

While I sit nursing my bruised face watching some shitty game show that's on the TV my phone rings again. It's Beth. I let it ring through and turn my focus back to the TV.


"Fuck sake." I pull my phone back to my attention and see Beth has text me.

Beth M
Mate, I really need your help, get to mine asap.

It sounds serious and I hate that because now my anxiety has spiked. I look a mess but I jump straight up and head to the door. I slip some sliders on and grab my keys. I floor the gas getting to Beth's unusually quick. I'm sorry to all the people I cut up and swerved across.

I park and jump out of the car instinctively running straight through her front door.

"Beth!" I shout out of breath.


"Kitchen." A voice finally appears.

I run through sliding across the wooden floor. I stop my fall and stand upright. I see Viv and Katie.

"Oh fuck no..." I turn around to head back home. Beth the snake.

"No wait!" Beth says grabbing me. I let out a huff and turn to face my other two team mates.

"What is this Beth, some sort of divine intervention? I think I'll pass..."

She guestures to the seat in front of me before pulling it out for me to sit on. I take a seat and lean on my elbows.

Beth swipes her arm out for the other two to speak.

"I—I uh, well..." Katie starts rubbing the back of her neck. "Fuck sake why is this so awkward?"

"You're making it awkward." I laugh looking between the three of them. "Look I don't want an apology if that's what this is..."

"No!" Viv blurts out of character, "You deserve one, we've been... awful."

I shrug with a smile. "I don't need one."

Truth is, I don't need one. I can tell when people are sorry and when they aren't and they are sorry. But I deserve all that I get.

"Look Rori, we are sorry. We are...we just, I don't know... I don't know how to explain, if you had spoken to us...why—why didn't you speak to us?" Viv's head hangs low as I sense the upset in her voice.

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