Chapter 44 - Halloween

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3 months later

Leah POV

I can't say it's been a smooth ride but it had been a lot easier to deal with, I guess. The support network around me with my family has been so great, maybe even too great for what I deserve. I owe them a lot for the way they have all pulled together and reassured me, however, I still can't shake this niggle that haunts me most days. The niggle of pure guilt.

I have to believe what Izzy said—'It's best Rori doesn't know' I have to believe that otherwise I think I'll simply combust. But is it? Everyday I think that I should have told her and the longer I leave it the more I just know to much time has passed.

But, Riley is gone.

Where? I'm not to sure and I really don't care. But I definitely do not have my family to thank for that one.

Flashback to Euro's final night.

"Leah! There you are, Rori is—Leah? What's...are you okay?"

I turn to see Izzy, looking rather pissed but her eyes soften at the state of me before she drops to my level, worry across her face.

"What's happened?"

"I think you should to tell her, honey. She can help."

She raised an unsure eyebrow, "Tell me what, exactly?" Her whole demeanour scary.

After I offloaded to Izzy about Riley...well...I guess you could say she was extremely pissed. I can't say I have ever seen someone quite so angry—and I've known with Rori a longgg time. She wasn't just angry for Rori, but also me. Izzy is the only other person who knows on a personal level how much Rori wants all of this to stay out of the public eye. Rori hasn't actually told me as much because we haven't spoke about any of it, but I know her well enough to know.

"How—what the fu—I'm gonna kill her. Yep, that's what I'm gonna do. Imma put those teeth in her intestines." Izzy rises to her feet shaking off slightly and patting her jeans down. "I knew there was something off with that rat!"

"Hey now, let's think about this!" My mum quickly says, putting her hand gently on her arm. "We have to be delicate about this. It effects Rori, remember?"

Izzy's head throws back in frustration. "Yeah,'re right." She groans.

"You are Rori are definitely like two peas in a pod." Mum says with a small laugh.

"You should see Travis..."

We sit for a bit longer together, taking through all the possibilities. Thus far, none are really coming up with a plan on what to do as any input by Izzy turned into sheer anger. Some pretty crazy things were flying out of her mouth and it was so clear there was a deep rage ignited.

"I'll need to tell Rori..."

"No, don't!" Me and mum looked at Izzy confused. "I just don't think it's a good idea. I've been thinking...and it might hinder her progress and if I'm being honest Le, I think she will go mental...not just at Riley but maybe at you too. Some thing are best left unsaid."

I nod, not completely understanding but also fully understanding. "But if it does come out..."

"It won't. I'll make sure of it." She pauses like she's struck gold, "Leave it with me."

The seriousness in her voice had me curious. But I knew better than to question the Stones in this sort of setting.

So I left it at that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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