Just A Little Cold

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TW: Mentions of death

3rd Person POV

Tango pulls his cloak around himself tighter, a shiver running up his spine.

"I just need to finish this room, then I can take a break..."

He slips on the ice, shivering from the cold.

"It's just a little cold, I'm fine, I need to finish this room."

impulseSV: Tango, where are you rn? Zed and I want to come see you

The Nether hybrid smiles, pulling his communicator up, "I guess a small break wouldn't hurt."

He makes his way from the back of level one towards the front. He pulls his hood up, the cold becoming unbearable. His movements become slow, heart slowing as he leans against the icy wall.

Zedaph: Tango? Everything ok?

Tango lets out a shuddering breath, pulling the screen out. He shakes his head, trying to clear the black spots dancing in his vision.

"Just a few more seconds."

TangoTek: I

The screen fades before he can type anything else, the floor growing close before black covers his vision completely.

Impulse and Zed look at their communicators confused.

"I? What does that mean?"

"I don't know."

impulseSV: Tango?

The two wait, not getting any response from the other Hermit.

"Impy, do you know where he's been lately?"

"I'm going to guess working on Decked Out Two."

"We should head over there and look, I'm starting to worry."

"Me too, come on."

The two make their way over to Decked Out, looking up at the build in awe.

"Dang, Tango's been busy."

"It's incredible!"

They walk inside, looking around.

"Tango! Are you in here?"

"Impulse look, the door is open."

"As much as I don't want to spoil anything, we should look in there, shouldn't we?"

"Yes, I can feel the cold air from here, and knowing Tango, he's probably working in there."

"Well, let's look, I guess, but please be careful."

"I will, come on."

Zed grabs Impulse's hand, walking through the door. Impulse pushes the button, the two taking the minecart down to the dungeon.

"That door is open too."

"It's beautiful."

"And huge, we should split up."

"You go right, and I'll go left?"

"Yep." Impulse heads right, "Holler, if you find him."

"Will do."

Impulse looks around each bend and turn, growing more worried when he can't find him.


He looks to his left, doing his best to hurry to Zedaph without slipping on the ice. He finds Zedaph holding a passed out Tango, wrapping his jacket around the blaze.

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