Phantom Master

69 3 1

3rd Person POV

"Impulse, are you out here?"

"On the roof!"

"Impy, what are you doing up there? You're going to get attacked by phantoms soon."

"It's too cold for phantoms Tango. It's also too cold for you to be out here."

Tango climbs up onto the roof, sitting next to Impulse.

"I think I'll be ok."

"Shouldn't you be sleeping? You've been working really hard lately."

"Can't sleep."

"Why not?"

"Nightmares, just need to clear my head."

Impulse wraps an arm around Tango, pulling him closer.


Tango smiles, making a small flame appear to keep the two warm as they fall into a comfortable silence.

"Hey Impy?"


"I-" He turns to face the other, eyes widening at the sight of a phantom, "Duck!"

"Wh-" Tango pulls Impulse down the two, almost falling off the roof as the phantom swoops a little too close for comfort, "-AT! Tango!"

"Sorry! There's phantoms, we should head in."

Impulse looks up at the phantom, sympathy leaking onto his face.

"Aww, poor thing."

"What do you mean, aww? The thing just attacked you."

"It wasn't attacking. It's looking for warmth."

"Oh yeah, because that's normal, you know, just a phantom looking for warmth from players, you know the thing they try to kill."

Impulse reaches out as the phantom dives again, the mob landing on his arm and looking up at the Hermit with interest.

"What are you doing out here when it's this cold? Where's your mama little one?"

The phantom makes a baby screech as it crawls up Impulse's arm, nuzzling closer to the heat. Impulse chuckles, gently running a finger down the baby mob's back.

Tango looks at Impulse with his mouth open, "H-how?"

He smiles sheepishly, looking over at Tango.

"I have a very good explanation."

"I'd love to hear it."

"Baby phantoms get separated from their parents easily, and with it being this cold, this little guy was looking for heat."

"And the reason you know all of this?"

Impulse sighs, "I'm part phantom, I can talk to them, understand them, and I know what they do and don't like. And I technically have wings and a tail but I don't show them very often."

"You're not human?"

"Nope, I don't think anyone on this server is."

"Is it safe?"

Impulse scratches under the mobs chin, "Yes, he's calmed down now."

Tango moves a little closer, making a flame appear. The phantom looks at the flame, then Tango, then at the flame again.

Impulse grabs the Hermit's free hand, laying it flat in front of the phantom. The nighttime creature looks at Impulse before head butting Tango's hand.

He smiles and gently pets the phantom, "You're not so scary like this."

"They're actually very calm creatures, its when they're raised hostile or threatened that they attack."

"Sounds like someone else I know."

"Oh shut it."

Tango laughs, looking at the phantom as it climbs up his arm.

"It likes you."

"Most people do."

"I don't know about that, I think it's using you as a heat source. It's probably because you're so hot-headed."

"Hey! I am not!"

"Your hair is on fire."

He whacks the taller with his tail, gently petting the phantom.

"You never told us you were part phantom."

"You haven't told us a lot of things."

Silence falls over the two, the only sounds being the baby mob and the flickers of the flame.

"...Sorry I shouldn't have said that, you have every right to your privacy and what you do and don't tell me."

"You deserve to know."

"No, it's your past, your story, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."

Tango grabs Impulse's hands, turning to face him.

"I want to Impulse, gosh I've wanted to tell you everything for so long."

"Then I haven't you?"

"...I'm afraid of how you'll react, I'm afraid you'll leave."

"I won't leave, I promise."

"You might."

The brunette pulls one of his hands from Tango's, using it to gently cup the blonde's face.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Can we go inside?"

"Yeah, you head in while I get this guy back on his way home."

Tango nods, allowing Impulse to take the phantom before heading inside.

"Alright, fella, you head on home."

The phantom headbutts Impulse.

"None of that now. Go find your mama."

With a screech, the phantom takes off, and Impulse heads inside to find Tango.

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