Problems With The Void

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TW: Slight Keralis Angst

3rd Person POV

"Swashwammy! Are you in here?"

Xisuma doesn't look up from the code, giving Keralis a small wave, "I'm here, Keralis."

"What are you doing in here?"

"The code broke, which is why the lag has been awful already this season. Although it's taking longer than I thought it would."

"Let's go take a break then! A break will be good for the mind."

"Maybe in a little bit, this should be taken care of right away."

"I can see if Grian can fix it."

"Grian? He knows code?"

"Yep! Did you not know that?"

"No, where did he learn code?"

"He's an admin, I'd hope he'd know code."

"I'm sorry, what?" The admin looks away from the code.

"You didn't know?"

"No, how do you know?"

"He sleeps talk."

"...What server was he apart of before Hermitcraft?"

"I don't know, don't you know?"

"No, I'm starting to realize I really don't know that much about Grian."

"Well, maybe if you didn't spend all day in here..."


"I'm serious, Shashwammy! You spend too much time in here and not a lot of time with us."

"It's not like this is easy."

"I know, but you still need to take breaks." Keralis leans against the wall, sudden white spots dancing in his vision.

"I'll take a break after I fix this, ok?"


"I know Keralis, but did you just call me Xisuma?" He turns to look at the Hermit, "Keralis? Are you ok?"

"I think you should get Cub."

"We should get you in bed first."

"No, Xisuma, get Cub."

Inky black blooms across the Swed's skin.

"Oh Keralis, you derp! How long have you been out of the Void?"

"Can we save the scolding for after? Did you call Cub?"

"Yes, I called Cub. You need to sit down."

Keralis nods, and Xisuma helps him sit.

The two sit in silence until Cub gets there, the Hermit shaking his head.

"You two are going to drive me crazy."

"Scolding later, portal now."

"Can you make it that far?"

"Well, I was hoping Xisuma could, you know..."

"Only this once, we're talking about this after."

"I know."

A rift opens, and Xisuma and Cub help Keralis through, into the Void. Keralis sighs, watching the ink flow off of his skin. Xisuma pops his helmet off, strapping it to his suit.

"Cub, you doing ok?"

"I'll be fine, I'm used to the air pressure, Keralis. Are you ok now?"

"Getting there, Cubby, thank you, Swashwammy."

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