Prologue Part One

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It was three months after Das Sound Machine had lost to the Barden Bellas at the 2015 A Capella World Championships. Das Sound Machine had just finished a grueling practice, that was of course, to prepare for next year's World Championships. Today had been the usual four hour daily practice, singing, dancing, extemporaneous beat boxing and push-ups, lots of push-ups. Although, it was just a usual practice, the group's co-leader, Kommissar Krämer was feeling extremely tired. She was sitting on a black leather couch in the break room, and thinking to herself. Just the night before, Kommissar had found out that she was pregnant. She had not told anyone yet, not even her husband Pieter, who was also her fellow co-leader. Don't worry, she was going to tell the child's father of course, just not yet. He'd have her sit out of practices for the next eight months for sure otherwise.

Eventually, when Kommissar was five months pregnant, she told Pieter and the rest of her family and friends. (They kind of figured it out by themselves by that point anyway.) and, Kommissar was right, she did have to sit out of the next four months of performances and practices. But it turned out to all be worth it when on May 27th 2016, Ingrid Calia Krämer was born...

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