Chapter Thirteen

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Ingrid listened to her mother tromp down the stairs in rage. The repetitive bashing filled Ingrid with even more fury and resentment.

"Well, if she doesn't want me in her house, so be it" Ingrid mumbled to herself.

At eighteen, Ingrid was sick and tired of her mom and dad still having so much control over her life. She lay on her bed thinking about what to do next. She needed to talk to Noah, she knew he'd understand. Ingrid grabbed her DSM backpack and dumped the contents out on her bedroom floor. Quickly she gathered four pairs of shorts, five shirts, underwear, socks, her toothbrush, her hairbrush, her laptop, $200 and her credit card, and crammed them into her backpack. Ingrid was running away.

Ingrid waited in her room for the rest of the evening. That night, after she was certain her parents were asleep, Ingrid grabbed her backpack, put on her light blue Converse shoes and as quietly as she possibly could, crept down the stairs, making sure to not wake Kommissar and Pieter. Trying to not make a sound, Ingrid unlocked the front door. She opened it. This was it, she was really running away. Ingrid got in her car and drove 30 minutes to the nearest OceanTrain station. Invented in 2023, the OceanTrain was a train that ran on a bridge which spanned over the Atlantic Ocean, making it possible to travel from Europe to the U.S. without an airplane. Ingrid bought a ticket to Atlanta, 15 minutes later she boarded the train and she was off to America...

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