Chapter Fourteen

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Kommissar woke up early the next morning. She felt bad about the things she had said to Ingrid the night before.

"I must have sounded like such a jerk, I hope she isn't too upset with me" she thought to herself, still laying in bed, "After all she, is eighteen, I mean, I can't control her forever."

Quietly, Kommissar got out of bed and put on her slippers. She walked down the hall to her daughter's room to apologize to Ingrid. Kommissar was surprised to find that Ingrid was not in her bed, even though it was only 6:14.

"She's probably already awake" Kommissar thought out loud, exiting Ingrid's room.

Kommissar looked for Ingrid in the kitchen and living room, shocked to see that she wasn't there either. She was started to feel frantic. She hurried around the house looking for Ingrid and she couldn't find her anywhere. Desperate and worried, Kommissar looked outside. Her heart started to race when she saw that Ingrid's car was gone. Kommissar sprinted upstairs to her bedroom.

"Pieter!" Kommissar said in panic, trying to wake her husband, "Pieter, wake up, Ingrid's missing!"

"Wh...what?" he said, groggy and confused.

"Pieter, Ingrid's gone, I've looked... I've looked all over" Kommissar explained fearfully, "I...I can't find her anywhere. Her car's gone too."

"Kommi, don't get so worked up" Pieter said, "She'll probably come back soon."

"I hope so" Kommissar said, trying to reassure herself...

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