Chapter Ten

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Ingrid hurried into the Pasta Pit restaurant where DSM was having their victory dinner. She rushed to her group's table, everyone was already enjoying pasta, salad and breadsticks.

"Ingrid Calia Krämer, where have you been?" Kommissar demanded.

"Um, I've been here the whole time" Ingrid lied hoping her mom would believe her.

"Then how come I haven't seen you since the riff off four hours ago?" Kommissar probed.

Ingrid knew she had to make up a believable story, and fast.

"Well" Ingrid began making up her story, "Fine, I lied. After the riff off, I walked a few blocks to this place where they were, um, giving bus tours of the city."

Thought it was far fetched, it wasn't a total lie. On the walk to Noah's house she had seen a building advertising bus tours.

"I decided to go on a tour, you know, cuz it sounded like a fun thing to do and plus we probably won't be back here in Atlanta anytime soon." she continued, "I thought I'd be back in time for dinner, but the tour ran a little longer than I thought. Anyway, I'm sorry for not telling you and Dad where I was going, it'll never happen again, I promise."

"Don't worry about it, Ingrid, it's fine. It sounds like you had a fun time. After all, you are eighteen now. Just make sure that next time you tell me where you're going to be, okay" Kommissar said.

"Okay" Ingrid replied.

Ingrid could not believe that her mom had bought the story.

"I guess I'm not getting in trouble after all" Ingrid thought to herself.

The next morning, Das Sound Machine flew back to Germany. Three days later Ingrid was sitting at her desk in her room when her phone buzzed. She had gotten a text, she looked to see who it was from. It was from Noah...

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