Chapter Twenty Two

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For the next few weeks, Ingrid's entire life was devoted to training for Worlds. This included countless amounts of running, singing, dancing and cardio. Soon it was two days before the big competition. Ingrid and her parents were going to fly to Coppenhagen in just a few hours. She realized she hadn't spoken to Noah since she had been at his house three weeks prior. And her phone was still in her parents' possession.

"Hey Dad, is it okay if I go for a drive?" Ingrid asked her dad who was sitting across from her at the breakfast table.

"Sure, just make sure you're back before we have to leave for the airport" Pieter replied, not looking up from his cereal.

Ingrid hurried to her car and drove five blocks to the nearest pay phone on the street corner. She parked her light green Bug right next to the curb. Ingrid still had the slip of paper with Noah's phone number on it from the night that they'd met. She pulled it out of her jean pocket. Ingrid got out of her car, slid two quarters in the pay phone and dialed Noah's number. After a few rings, Noah picked up the phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" he asked.

"Hi Noah, it's Ingrid" she replied.

Ingrid explained to him that her parents had her phone and that she was calling him from a pay phone.

"Worlds is in two days" Noah said, "Will I see you there, Ingrid Krämer?"

"Yes, of course. That's what I was calling you about. We need to make plans to hangout" Ingrid told him.

"Well, according to my dad, all of teams competing in Worlds will meet tonight for a riff off at the airport in Coppenhagen. I'll take you to dinner after that."...

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