Chapter One (May 27th 2034)

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It was early in the morning. Ingrid Krämer lay still in her bed, pretending to be asleep. She could hear the sounds of footsteps on the wood floor clomping around outside of her painted-blue bedroom door. Ingrid knew right away that these footsteps belonged to the parents, Kommissar and Pieter. Today was Ingrid's eighteenth birthday, the day that her parents had been preparing her for since soon after she had been born. It was the day that Ingrid was finally old enough to join Das Sound Machine.

Kommissar and Pieter burst through the door, causing the bright hallway light to shine right in to Ingrid's blue eyes. Ingrid blinked a few times to adjust to the lighting.

"Happy birthday Ingrid" her dad said.

Kommissar walked over to the side of Ingrid's bed and have her daughter a hug.

"Ingrid, isn't this amazing, this is the day you've been preparing for your whole life" Kommissar said happily.

Ingrid smiled.

"C'mon Ing, get dressed and then come downstairs for breakfast" Pieter instructed, "Auditions are at 9:30...

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