Chapter Twelve

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"Ingrid, who is this Noah Swanson you've been texting?" Kommissar asked, pretending to sound calm.

Kommissar continued to scroll down Ingrid's phone, looking displeased.

"No one" Ingrid stuttered, "Just...just a friend I met at the riff off."

"Shut up Ingrid, I know you're lying to me, I know he's more than 'just a friend'" Kommissar said in an angry tone.

"Mom, I promise, we're just good friends" Ingrid lied, feeling intimidated.

"I don't buy that for a second, you little liar" Kommissar scolded, "You better tell me the truth right now."

"Fine, Noah and I are dating, it's kind of a long distance thing, after the riff off I went over to his house and we kissed" Ingrid spilled.

"Ingrid Calia Krämer! I knew something was wrong with you, you've been distracted in training and...uhh! I just can't believe you lied to your father and I! You went to a stranger's house, I'm certain I don't know his parents! Do you know how dangerous..." Kommissar yelled.

"Actually..." Ingrid interrupted, "You do know the parents."

"Are you serious, you're trying to lie to me again! That's just freakin stupid!" Kommissar practically screamed.

"No, Mom, I'm not lying, I swear" Ingrid assured nervously, "Noah's mom is Beca, you know, Tiny Maus."

Kommissar all of a sudden looked furious.

"What the heck! Ingrid you're just terrible! I'm taking your phone for two months! You're never talking to that guy again! You need to be training for Worlds! It seems like DSM isn't even important to you anymore!" Kommissar ranted, extremely angered.

"There's more to life than DSM and stupid a Capella rivalries!" Ingrid argued, "But, I guess you wouldn't know that! You and Dad have done nothing else for the past 25 years! You do realize you're the oldest people on the whole team!..."

"Shut up!" Kommissar screamed, "That's no way to talk to me, shut up! I don't even want you in my house right now!"

"Fine!" Ingrid retorted upsetly, "You're such an overprotective freak! I don't even want to be in your house either!"

Kommissar walked out in silent anger and then slammed the door as loud as she could...

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