Chapter Twenty

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Early the next morning, Ingrid awoke next to Noah. They could smell the aroma of Jesse's homemade buttermilk pancakes. Noah gave Ingrid a quick kiss on the cheek and then they hurried upstairs to join the rest of Noah's family for breakfast.

Ten minutes later, Ingrid was just about to bite into her third pancake when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Hazel yelled, running to the front door.

Hazel swung open the door revealing Pieter and Kommissar, who were both looking exhausted. Hazel stared at them for a second and then came running back to the kitchen table.

"Mommy!" Hazel called, "There's some weird people I don't know at the door, can you get the door instead?"

Hazel sat back down at the table and Beca headed towards the front door. She reopened the door that Hazel had slammed. Kommissar and Pieter looked tired and confused. At the sight of Kommissar, Beca's jaw dropped, "Woah."

Speechless, Beca ushered them inside.

"Ingrid!" Kommissar called in panic, "Ingrid! She's here, right?!"

"Hi Kommissar" Beca said, blushing, "I can't believe it's been twenty years since I've seen you. Oh my god, you look even physically flawless-er, I mean I don't like you..."

"Hey" Pieter informed her, "Kommi's mine."

It seemed that Kommissar hadn't even acknowledged Beca's awkward compliment.

"Ingrid, baby, where are you?!" Kommissar called, walking around frantically.

"Mom?" Ingrid said, walking into the entryway.

"Oh my gosh! Ingrid! I missed you" Kommissar squealed throwing her arms around her daughter.

"Ingrid Calia, you're in so much trouble!" Pieter scolded.

"But first, bring it in" he said, hugging Kommissar and Ingrid...

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