Chapter Nine

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"Okay, so you're the Kommissar's daughter, aren't you?" Beca asked in realization.

"Yep" Ingrid replied, "Kommissar and Pieter's daughter, that's me."

"That's so cute" Alexis gushed, "It's just like Romeo and Juliet, forbidden to be together, but love prevails!"

"You do know how that story ends, right?" Ethan reminded Alexis.

"And I wouldn't exactly say 'forbidden', Mom and Dad seem just fine with this" Caitlin added.

"Ingrid, do you want to go down to the park?" Noah asked.


After asking Noah's parents if they could go, Ingrid and Noah headed to the park. It was a warm night and countless stars sparkled in the sky above them. Ingrid and Noah sat down on a wooden park bench that was stationed next to a large willow tree. They talked for about an hour, just simply getting to know each other better. They exchanged phone numbers. They talked about a Capella, school, what their favorite pastimes were.

"Well, other than a Capella, which I do a lot of, my favorite things are gymnastics, reading and traveling" Ingrid shared.

"Cool" Noah said, putting his arm around Ingrid, "I like playing basketball, running, learning new things and spending time with beautiful people, people like you, Ingrid Krämer."

Ingrid blushed, smiling.

"I know we've only know each other for a few hours" Noah acknowledged, "But, Ingrid Krämer, would you mind if I kissed you?"

"No, I wouldn't mind at all" Ingrid admitted,"I'd actually like that very much."

Ingrid scooted closer to Noah, they leaned in and their lips touched, connected, kissing for just a few seconds. And although Ingrid had never kissed before, there was no awkwardness, it somehow just felt perfect. Then, all of a sudden, Ingrid's phone buzzed, it was a text from Johanna. Ingrid's parents were wondering where she was.

"Noah, I'm sorry, I have to go" Ingrid told him, rushing.

"Thank you so much for an amazing night, Ingrid Krämer" Noah said, kissing her on the cheek, "I hope to see you soon."

Ingrid left the park and caught a cab back to the hotel hoping her parents would think she'd been at the hotel this whole time...

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