Chapter Five

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"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there. Are you okay?" said a young guy that seemed about Ingrid's same age.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine" Ingrid replied, beginning stagger back up to her feet.

"Lemme help you up" he said, reaching out his hand and pulling Ingrid back up.

"Thanks" Ingrid said.

"So, what's your name?" the guy asked.

"Ingrid Krämer, what's your's?"

"Well" he started,"I'm Noah Swanson. And Ingrid Krämer, I think you are beautiful."

Ingrid blushed shyly, no one had ever called her that before.

"And I seriously dig chicks with accents" Noah continued.

Ingrid laughed and nervously brushed a piece of blonde hair behind her left ear. She had never noticed how much different she must sound to the Americans.

"And, I dig, whatever that means, guys with accents" Ingrid added.

"Hey!" Noah retorted teasingly, "I don't have an accent."

"Well, we don't meet many Americans where I'm from" Ingrid said, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Noah laughed.

"So, Ingrid Krämer, how would you like to come over for dinner tonight after this is all over?" Noah asked, smiling.

"I'd like that very much" Ingrid accepted happily.

"Ingrid, come here" she heard her dad call from the other side of the empty pool.

"Coming Dad, just a second!" Ingrid called back.

"Sorry Noah" Ingrid said, "I've got to go."

"Okay, Ingrid Krämer, see you" Noah said, "I'll be right here waiting for you when this is done."

Ingrid waved goodbye to Noah as she hurried over to where the rest of DSM was gathered.

"Who was that you were talking to?" Kommissar questioned.

"Oh, just one of the Treble Makers" Ingrid replied.

"Um, why were you conversing with the competition?" Pieter asked.

"Uhhhh..." Ingrid was stalling, "Um, I was, uh just, giving him a nice dose of trash talk before the competition."

Kommissar laughed, "You're just like your dad, always trash talking and acting tough."

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