Chapter Seven

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"So how does it feel to be a winner?" Kommissar happily asked her daughter.

"It feels good, very good" Ingrid said quickly, she was in a rush to go find Noah.

"Ingrid, where are you going?" Johanna, a fellow member of DSM, questioned.

"Um, I'm just meeting up with a friend" Ingrid said, hoping Johanna wouldn't ask anymore questions.

"Okay, Ingrid, I'll see you at the Pasta Pit for our celebratory dinner tonight" Johanna told her.

Ingrid darted her blue eyes around the empty pool looking for Noah. She didn't see him anywhere. Ingrid start to worry that Noah had forgotten about her and left. Suddenly, Ingrid felt someone tap her on the left shoulder. She jumped in surprise. She turned around to see that it was Noah.

"Hey Ingrid Krämer" he said, "I really scared you, didn't I."

"No you didn't" Ingrid lied.

"I know you're lying, Ingrid Krämer" Noah said.

"Okay, okay, you scared me" she admitted.

Noah laughed.

As Ingrid climbing out of the empty pool, following Noah, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't told her parents where she was going. Hopefully they wouldn't notice if she was gone for just a couple hours. Ingrid and Noah walked about three blocks to Noah's family's home. Noah lived in a large white house with a pine green door and shutters. Noah opened the door and ushered Ingrid inside.

"Ladies first" he said.

Ingrid smiled at him.

Noah led her through a small foyer and into a spacious kitchen that was filled with children. A middle aged man wearing a green Breakfast Club t-shirt greeted them.

"Hey Noah, how was the riff off, buddy?" the man asked.

"It was good, Dad" Noah replied.

"Hey Noah" a young boy shouted from the kitchen table, "Did you win?"

"No, Ethan, but we got second place" Noah informed him.

Ethan shrugged sadly.

"Noah, who's the girl you brought home?" a tweenage girl asked from the kitchen table.

Ingrid blushed and stood there silently.

"She looks creepy, all her clothes are black" said a little girl with pigtails.

"Hazel, don't say that, that's rude" a teenage girl said, "Why don't we just let Noah's friend introduce herself."

Ingrid waited silently for a few seconds before suddenly realizing what she was supposed to do.

"Oh, um, sorry" Ingrid stammered, "I'm Ingrid."

Ingrid felt embarrassed. Noah's mom, a short pregnant woman with choppy brown hair, stood up and began speaking to Ingrid.

"Well, hi Ingrid, why don't you and Noah come sit down" his mom said, pulling out an empty wooden chair, "We still have some chicken and mashed potatoes left."

Noah and Ingrid sat down, next to each other, and Noah's family started introducing themselves. Noah had seven younger siblings, Caitlin (age 16), Alexis (15), Meredith (12), Ethan (10), Hazel (8), Grant (4) and Kelsey (2). He also had another baby sister on the way. After all of the children had been introduced, Noah's parents introduced themselves, as Jesse and Beca...

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