The Stakes Keep Getting Higher

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The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 8: The Stakes Keep Getting Higher

Date: October 31st, 2023

Twilight Sparkle speaks: "Why is Yappa Yappa with you, Swiftdrawer?" "I'll explain later. Let's just say we're friends now. That will help you all understand. Don't mind the fact his attitude hasn't really changed. His redemption has only begun." Trump laughs and smiles in his stuck up way: "No matter what you try, America will persist and be stronger than you. I will make America great again by destroying the likes of you." Yappa Yappa laughs even harder back at him and says: "You ponies, you don't have to fight anymore now that I'm here to kill this piece of trash! Oh, that feels good to say!" I add: "Yeah, go help the others. Yappa Yappa and I have fought multiple times. We sort of know each other's moves decently well. Call this the most unexpected team up of the story so far if you want." "Swiftdrawer! I want to see you try first! Show me how much pain you can give in one attack!" "Yappa Yappa.. I'm not so interested in inflicting pain as I am in stopping Trump. Peaceful means will not work on this universe's version of him. If peaceful means were sufficient to stop an oppressor in their tracks permanently, then the people should only engage in peaceful means. If that requires both peace and violence, then the people should do both. If peaceful means like protesting outside a building are met with violence AND unfair laws, rendering peaceful means useless in the process, then the people must collectively use violence to fight back and take back what belongs to them. The same principles apply here. I'm not going to enjoy killing him. I may enjoy the fight but I'm just going to be relieved once he's dead. But I doubt I will enjoy any of this when this fight is a serious situation. But we'll see. Anyway, let's waste no more time. Piercing Darkness!"

I pierce Trump's heart with darkness through my sword. It looks like it killed him at first but then, he just shakes it off. "I will defend America from its enemies, including the leftist mob who have proven themselves to be more dangerous than foreign enemies. Prepare to be destroyed!" He starts trying to shoot and punch us. Yappa Yappa just laughs: "Wow! If Swiftdrawer hadn't reached out to me, I'd really enjoy torturing you right here right now! You're so pathetic! I don't know how you overpowered those ponies but if that's all you have, you'd be boring to slowly kill in a fight anyway!" "Yappa Yappa, we can't underestimate him. Those ponies possess the true magic of friendship and if they were to fight as they are now against you as you were when you almost killed me the first time we met, you would have lost to them. It may not seem like it but we've all been getting stronger over time. I don't know what Trump's saying and I don't want to listen. I get his vibe. His vibe of manipulative crap." Trump quickly proves to be much stronger than Yappa Yappa thought. His attack style was still painful to look at but it was effective. I sigh: "This is taking too long. Almost wish we could just assassinate him under the cover of darkness. Sneak into his living quarters, leave no room for escape, prevent him for calling for help, and stab him in the heart as he sleeps. Kill him quickly and purposefully. It's better that way. It's how I operate as a bounty hunter with the Akatsuki. Get in, take care of the job, get out, get the reward, make sure the reward goes to something worthy." "You're more ruthless than I thought!" "Thanks?" "Okay, now Trump dies! This is going to be fun! You attack first!" "How about we just compliment each other's moves? We're both experienced in battle. He, not so much. *easily blocks an attack* Case in point. If you insist on me going first, so be it then. Besides, when someone says you first or you choose to me in my world, it becomes a pain if I don't just accept it outright. I'm not going to hold back. So much has already been destroyed so what's the point?! Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 50!"

"How fun! 2 enemies who are now friends work together to kill the same person! Ultimate Pummeling Pitchfork!" "Forget formation. Let's overwhelm his brain's computational power. A mind can only react to so much information per second. He'll be a bit hard to kill with the boost to his stats from Barian power but it shouldn't be too bad since his base power level is well.. Nothing in the grand scheme of things. I'm just going to go in with everything. Throw it all at him because he is honestly the least exciting enemy to fight knowing what he's normally like. I'm just waiting for him to start acting like a real nasty man who is desperate to cling onto his throne of lies and money. For guys like him who have become so dangerous, you gotta kill or change em. Less dangerous and you just gotta humiliate, change them, and/or strip them of their power. Yeesh, he's so easy to dodge. He dodged the draft for the Vietnam War so this doesn't surprise me. A draft is not cool and anti-freedom but still. I get the idea of locking someone up for life but what's the point of putting em there if they have no chance of redemption? Better to just take em out of the picture once it's confirmed that nothing will ever get them to change. Anyway, I see him getting agitated but I'm going to ignore it. Once we kill him, we should team up to fight other villains too. There's a lot around to fight. But moving on, it's interesting and concerning and frightening that Trump's going as far as pushing Project 2025 up to this date in this universe. One can tell that he is with what he said earlier. People like Trump should never be given power. To give power to someone who would use it for their selfish desires, to hurt people, or to use others.. That's despicable. And any politician who accepts money from a large PAC or large corporations are scum. That's it. Scum. Trash. Need to be removed from office and replaced by progressives/leftists. Power is like alcohol."

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