Chapter 2 - The New Gurl At School

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Josephines mom Mandy knocked on her door. "Josie knock knock darling your gonna be late for your first day at your new school! its a very good school and you'll wear a new cool school uniform and make some new friends, it'll be so much fun. Your sisters will attend the same school but in lower grades so you'll have them at least. Josie heres your breakfast its your favorite darling" Josephine yawned and woke up, brushed her teeth and her hair and sorted out her messy fringe and put her hair in her favorite long hair with a ponytail in the back hairstyle as she always did.

She got dressed in her new school uniform (a light maeve shirt (maeve was one of her favs as any shade of pink black or purple was) with the schools logo on the shirt and the skirt and collar of the shirt was dark black and she had pink sleeves underneath and pink socks and pretty shoes and a cat jacket too. She wore a leopard hat and purple lipgloss and black eyeliner on her face.

On her bag was a cheetah print backpack with all her new stuff inside) Josie thought the school uniform was very cute and pretty and she loved the skirt too. She loved wearing skirts and dresses and was very happy about it and Sapphire agreed that "That skirt is the cutest skirt ever!" and Savannah said "TOTALLY! I wish I had a black skirt, mine is green which is okay but black is like wayyyyy cooler and would go with our cool black leggings!" Sapphire said "But you begged mom for the green skirt, why so fussy sis?" and Savannah blushed and said "SHUT UP I SO DID NOT!" and Josie said "Calm down both of you ya little mini drama queens! Your outfits look cool please don't fight!" and they didn't fight and they both said "Sorry sis" and all was good again.

She then went downstairs to eat her breakfast with her siblings. "Hi sis" Sapphire and Savannah said "Wassup Sapphy and Savvy" Josie chirped and she hugged her and Savannah very hard. She opened up her phone and listened to her favorite music while eating breakfast. Mandy said "Girls Your dad already went to work but he told me to tell you he loves you very much" and Josie said "I know I love him too!" and twins said "Yeah we said bye to him first cuz our lazy sis didn't wake up earlier" and Savannah stuck her tongue out playfully and Josie stuck her tongue back out in return.

Josephine's family moving to LA was smoother than expected. She expected it to be rough and time consuming but moving to the neighbourhood was strangely simply she moved to a new neighbourhood next to her new school. It was no big deal.

She got out of her shell and starting going out more often just to visit new places with her sisters such as the beach or the many shopping malls that were there in the huge and beautiful city. Sapphire said "I love LA its so beautiful! I wanna live here forever!" with her amber eyes full of sunshine and life, and her identical twin Savannah said "I KNOW RIGHT? Its sooooo cool here! I can't wait to make new friends here, Mom said when we move we can get a new cat, is that true Josie?" full of joy and laughter, and Josie definitly agreed and said "YES! We're getting a new kitty! Love this new place", she was much more cheerful.

She wasn't quite ready for a new social life after her friends going missing and breaking up with her was still fresh in her mind but maybe her new school could give her a chance to make new friends and start over a new life.

Josie's mom drove her and her twin sisters to the school while listening to the lastest newest most catchy pop song ever and dropped them off after hugging all of them and said "I hope you enjoy your new school! Have fun darlings!" Sapphire said "WE WILL MOM!" and Savannah waved back "Bye mom Love you!" and Josie said "See ya momma". The twins were excited for their new day at their new school but Josie was a bit nervous but pretended she wasn't.

Josie walked to the school alongside the twins and prepared herself for her first day at school. The twin scampered to hang out with the other 11 year olds while Josephine walked to the outside parts of the school building. She took a dozen selfies with cute pink filters, browsed adorable and funny kitty cat memes and danced to anime AMVs on her phone while hanging out alone and hoping her siblings weren't getting into too much trouble.

All of a sudden a clumsy but smart and shy girl bumped into her and she dropped her phone. "So sorry I didnt mean to trip you up im really clumsy sometimes also nice AMVS Sweetie Princess Neko Magical-chan is one of my favorite animes you have really good taste omg" the Taiwanese-american girl rambled to Josie about who her favorite characters and story was and she called to her as she picked up her phone and gave it to her. "Hey um who are you?" Josie asked the girl as she took back her phone. "My name is Marcy Wu but you can call me Marcy and I was looking for my friends Sasha and Anne when I bumped into you, hey um...who are you...?" Marcy asked awkwardly. Josie responded with "Huh you have besties...Hmmm...My name is Josephine Rose but my friends and family and such call me Josie! Uh Wassup!" This new girl seemed nice enough, could she have already made a new friend? "Josephine huh? thats a nice name very unique I haven't met a Josephine before" Josie replied with "Yeah my name is kinda rare I only met another Josephine once your name Marcy is also unique too!" The girls got along quickly it seemed.

Suddenly a mean voice snickered at the two girls and popped out was a ginger girl with braided hair and a malicious smirk on her freckled face. Maggie smirked "Josephine Rose? Oh WOW More like Josephine Blows! I KNEW the new kid would be a dumb loser but to hang out with Wuidiot Boobchuys loser friend? Thats a new low!" Marcy frowned and said "Hey leave her alone she hasn't done anything to you go away Maggie and get a life and some friends since you dont hang out with anybody!" but Maggie rolled her eyes and said "Whatever freak Shut up i don't listen to losers! Go kiss a calculator nerd!" and Marcy wanted to punch her as Josephine looked like she wanted to cry as she has never dealt with bullies before and she covered her face smudging her makeup kinda hoping for a saviour. All of a sudden two girls A blonde with a ponytail and a Brunette Thai girl with curly hair walked up to Maggie with a frown on their two faces. "Seriously Maggie? Are you REALLY going to cause trouble to the new girl and OUR Marcy?" the brunette frowned. "Well well Speak of the devils Its Boobchuy and Lamebright! Good to see you two idiots again NOT!" Maggie chuckled. "You only pick on other kids because you have no friends of your own and their happiness makes you so jealous, GET A LIFE MAGGIE NOW!" the blonde shouted and pushed her away and Maggie landed on her butt. "Whatever you win this time your not worth it losers!" and the ginger ran away hiding her upset at the loss of the argument.

Josephine looked at the blonde in awe, she was so pretty but so tough and cool at the same time and so confident in dealing with bullies and jerks. How did she do that? Josephine stuttered "W-who are you?" The blonde flipped her hair and smiled at Josie. "Hey gurl you're the new kid right? I'm Sasha Waybright the most awesome most baddie girl at this school and this is my bestie Anne Boonchuy and you were talking to Marcy Wu. Whats your name?" Josie said "I'm Josephine Rose but my friends and family call me Josie for short. Its so nice to meet you" "Cool me and my friends don't always invite new people to my group but you look so sad and alone so I guess I can make an exception, wanna hang with us Josie? You won't regret it we're like the popular girls at this school!" Sasha said to Josie intrigued by this new girl but she wasn't sure why, Something about this new kid seemed different than the others like something her and her friends just couldn't explain but Josie seemed cool she supposed. Anne said to Josie "Welcome abroad dude! Im Anne and its nice to meet ya" giving her a high five and Josie smiled and said "Nice to meet you too Anne". and it seemed she had a new group of friends to hang out with, which she didn't have in a long time.

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