Chapter 21 - A Purrfect Revenge!

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Josie rocked her legs back and forth next to her darling Jessica and they both rocked back and forth together while holding hands and tails together anticipating was else they should do. Evelyn and Marcy were playing a racing game together on Josie's phone. Quackshire was cheering on Marcy by quacking and hugging her as Spike was cheering on Evelyn by barking and nuzzling her.

"Man you win AGAIN? How???" Evelyn whined. She loved to have fun and losing wasn't fun! She HATED to lose!

"When I'm in THE ZONE, anything becomes so easy to me, as long as its not socialising I guess" Marcy said humbly.

"I WANNA GET IN THE ZONE THEN and my zone will beat your zone!" Evelyn chirped, feeling competitive in a friendly way.

"OOOOhhh Evelyn has a competitive streak! Hehehehheh this could be fun! Bring it on 'Vlyn! May the best ZONE WIN!" Marcy chirped.

Evelyn fist bumped Marcy which made her hand slimy and Marcy said "Ooooh Slimy! Hahhaaha!" and Evelyn said "I WILL win this Marcy, trust meeee!!! EVELYN ALWAYS WIN! Thats my motto girlie!! YEAH!" excited and hyped even if it was just a small game.

They fired up the racing game Maria Cars 6 a racing game and they chose their characters and got hyped!

"I'm picking her (Macie)because she has the best balance of stats and her strengths outclass any weaknesses and her name is kinda similar to mine WOW so cool" Marcy purred.

"Meh, I'm choosing her (Lyndy) because she's the prettiest and most sassy looking and I LIKE sassy girls! SHE IS SO MEEEE!!!" Evelyn chirped.

"You don't care about the stats?" Marcy asked while cocking her head in both confusion and curiousity.

"Nah, thats smart people stuff, I'm not that bright, I'm the happy one, girl" Evelyn said which made Marcy look a bit sad for her.

"Anybody can be smart if they believe in themselves, it's not that unassessible! Here I'll show you a special chart I made of all the girls stats and such! Its easy peasy and simple to read!" Marcy purred.

Evelyn looked at the complicated and messy chart with bonus kawaii doodles of the racing girls with pure confusion and simply stated "Yeah I get it CHALLENGE myself I will choose Lyndy anyway! YEAH I am brave!!!"

Marcy said "Okay if you instist but Lyndy is a difficult character to control, just warning ya"

Evelyn said "BRING! IT! OOOOON!"

The two girls played the game non stop over and over again about 42282882 times (Marcy counted), until finally Evelyn won even if it was just once!

"Hard work really DOES pay off, HA I WIN!!!!" Evelyn shouted in joy!

"Congrats girl" Josie said to Evelyn.

"So yall wanna do anything cool today?" Jessica asked

"Nah just wanna chillax with some video games girl!" Marcy chirped "Man I wonder how Sasha and Anne are doing!"

"I hope they're doing alright...!" Josie purred "Now can I race ya now that Evelyn won, man I wish I brought more than 2 phones! Oh well!"

"Same here girl same here Josie-Posie! Maybe next time we travel to an exotic alien planet I should write down to sneak in more phones! And more phone games too aha!" Marcy chirped with amusement.

"Save a turn for me!" Jessica said!

"I want a turn too!" Katrina said.

"Why not, I want a turn as well even If I'm not familar with what you kids call viddy-o games" Amanda asked.

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