Chapter 4 - Sudden Changes

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The weekend passed and the hedgehog was brought back to the school and back into Josie's arms. Marcy and Josie had an interesting convo together as she asked "Wow check this out this new video game OMG is so cool the plot is amazing as the protagonist went to a different world and made so many friends! Wouldn't it be cool if we went to another world?" Josie replied with "Another world? That does sound cool, but would our families be okay with this? They could miss us after all?" and Marcy replied with "Yeah but I wasn't thinking about that, just the adventures and we'd return of course silly!" Marcy and Josie were petting the hedgie when her friend Anne asked an unexpected question "So did you have friends before you moved or is this your first time being popular?" Anne asked to Josie. Josie's stomach jumped in slight nervousness.

"Um...Yeah I...did have friends. I admit I had 3 other girls I hanged other than my twin sisters, these girls were my besties for life or so I thought, their names were Pamela Sandra and Mikayla and we were so close, were like sisters even, but then as we started to become tweens instead of kids we started to drift away since we started to have different interests and goals that we gradually lost interest in maintaining the friendships and then one day that was meant to be a reunion for one last time before breaking off forever Mikayla disapeered and went missing like she vanished into thin air and then we moved away anyways. I felt guilty I never found out and worst of all there were ridiculuous rumours that she was abducted by ALIENS and worst of all some people even grown adults believe its true! Who believes in ALIENS?"

"I'm so sorry that happened to your friend Josie" Anne said feeling sorry for her "I didn't think your friends would just ditch you like that thats so uncool no wonder why you were so hesistant talking to people on the first day I would too. And ALIENS? Seriously? Thats just ridiculous! I agree Who is silly enough to believe in THAT? I would expect like a 5 year old to believe such a lie but grown adults with jobs lives and money still think aliens are real? What the heck?" Josie said "Yeah some I had no idea." Anne said "But its okay you have me, Marcy and Sasha so you won't be friendless again. Its not your fault" and Josie smiled at that.

The rest of the year until the girls 13th birthdays went smoothly a few bumps here and there but it was easy to ignore, all friends have arguments or disagreements sometimes, right? So it was pretty good. "Hey anne banna its your birthday right?" Josie said, Anne said "Heck yeah it is its your birthday too we share the same birthday its like we're twins! So cool" Josie said "Happy birthday Anne" Anne said "Right back at ya Josie Posie". Sasha texted them with "Hey girlfriends wanna skip class and chill together" and they replied with "Chilling with my BFF 4 my BDAY heck yeah lets goooooo" Sasha Anne and Josie were hanging out for Anne's birthday and Sasha after the mall wanted to stray the town with graffiti and do whatever the heck she wanted. "Josie be cool this isnt so scary when you get the hang of it just put your name there" as Josie followed her command as a good girl she always did. "Atta girl you did it! Cool girls dont fear anything being shy can be funny but no need for it sometimes, you don't need to hesitate. Heh molding the shy goth into a cool girl wow is kinda fun to be honest" with a smile and she painted her name too. Josie felt super nervous as she was never the delinquent type but kept her mouth shut. Josie thought in her head "Wait molding? What did she mean by this?" planting more seeds of doubt. Was her friendship with her genuine or was she just some pet project to see if she can make the weird girl popular? Am I a friend but not a true friend? I just got here but they seem to have been friends since FOREVER? I knew this was too good to be true, she thought.

Josie noticed for the past few weeks while they did like her again they were starting to distance herself. Sasha mumoured something about how "They only like her hedgehog not her, they're just using her for the pet shes hedgehog girl but without the hedgehog shes just some girl" and Josie pretended she heard nothing on the phone but it kinda stung. Sasha started to critisise her hair, makeup, clothes and such a few remarks here and there about how that song was so 2009 or how she had no interest in this and that hobby. She would apologize and tell Josie she didn't know she was this very sensitive but it still kinda hurt. Even Anne and Marcy wondered why this was happening and why. Josie wondered why Sasha was mad at her seeminly but was too shy to ask why.

Josie overheard her talking to her two other friends in the coffee shop while she excused herself to go to the toilet. Sasha said "Look Anne i'm sick of it, Josie is nice dont get me wrong but me and her don't have much in common and its obvious shes just faking interest in what I like just to fit in! if she keeps this up shes gonna break up our group! Do you and Mar-mar like HER better than me or something girl? Whats it gonna be? Look Anne its either me or the hedgehog girl and you know we've been a thing for much longer you've only known her for like a year, we've known each other for life! Shes just a leech!" Josie ran out of there crying "Worst birthday ever!" as the two argued and never wanted to come back, stupid school stupid friends stupid everything I knew it was too good to be true but I fell for it anyway? I'm so stupid! I should of stuck to my family! she thought.

She cried her eyes out at the park on the swings. "WHats the point when all my friends end up hating me anyway? People are garbage they pretend to like you only to backstab you anyways life is garbage and I hate it!" she continue to cry all by herself while sadly rocking herself on the swings. She recieved a text from Marcy that told them all to meet at the same park as she had something cool for Anne's birthday. Sasha and Anne pretended nothing bad happeneed at the coffee shop so it wouldn't make Mar-Mar sad shes sensitive. The girls met up at the park as Josie wiped away tears and pretended nothing happen and acted chill and Sasha pretended she wasnt there as they opened the box that had 4 gemstones on it (one blue, one green, one red and one fuchsia with a opalescent rainbow glimmer) expecting something cool to happen or at least something cool would be inside, if not they could just sell the box and acted like nothing happened and resume back to their lives as normal. But instead of the expected, what happened was that the box was magical and bright rainbow light surrounded the girls as Josie had a disturbing vision of evil robots terrorizing the world and an evil moon crashing into a planet that scared her alot and made her scream in terror and then all went black.

The girls were not seen again the next day and possibly never seen ever again.

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