Chapter 26 - Magical Cata-strophe!

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Josie and her friends enjoyed their time at the ball, but afterwards in in the bathroom when she was washing her hands of the cotton candy she ate, she had a horrendous vision without being asleep, but this time it was an entire town destroyed and enslaved in a different part of Amphibia with a group of toads whipping the poor frogs in a dungeon next to a blonde and 3 other sad girls. A mysterious, yet powerful voice in her head told her "Destiny can be so harsh and sad if its left to run its course isnt it"

Josephine asked the voice "Um...who are you are and what am I looking at? This is so scary!"

The mysterious voice answered her question with "I am who I am, and I need you to help prevent a sad destiny from happening soon, thats all you need to know about me for now. We'll meet again much later." and soon as she spoke, she dissapeered.

Josephine thought she drank too much fruit punch and ate too much candy as her head throbbed like crazy! It stung and ached so much! Ouch!

Josephine ran to Jessica and look panic'd! "Jessica, I can't hide this anymore, we need to talk to Yunan and Marcy about my visions! We need to run!"

Jessica cocked her head in confusion "Run from you? What, why? Whats going on darling?"

"Some sort of supernatural voice in my head told me I need to prevent a distaster from happening!!! There was a town full of frogs in a jungle and then a bunch of toads in a castle were whipping them and there was a tally of frogs executed on a poster that said "know your place frogs or you'll be like them" next to 3 girls, a blonde, a brunette and a girl that looks VERY similar to Anne! I think we need to talk to them!" Josie cried.

Marcy accidentely eavedropped on the girls talking and gasped "WHAT??? In your psychic-y vision thingie Anne is in a dungeon full of toads? WHAT? But Yunan told me Toad Tower is AGES away how is that possible?"

"I don't know but I don't think the same supernatural voice in my dreams would lie to me like this! They're always so truthful, they showed me how I was born and my life up until this point! I think Anne MIGHT be in danger and she needs our help!" Josie panicked.

"What? A supernatural voice? I've never heard of a phenomina like that!" Marcy gasped before Josie's head throbbed again and with her power she involutintarily showed Marcy and Jessica the same vision she had a few minutes ago!

Marcy gasped in fear and panic as Yunan and Olivia immediantly rushed over to help Marcy as Yunan shouted "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER????"

Josie didn't respond until the vision ended and she felt so guilty even if it wasn't her fault.

"I didn't" Josie muttered weakily, frightened that Marcy could've gotten hurt.

Marcy weakily in Yunan and Olivia's arms muttered to them "I'm fine...this isn't her fault"

"WHOEVER'S FAULT IT IS I WANT THEIR HEADS ON A PIKE NOW!" Yunan shouted in pure anger and worry for her precious daughter.

Olivia shouted frantically "NOBODY hurts my baby eft and gets away with it!" glaring at Josephine in anger. Josie lowered her head in guilt and whispered weakily "I didn't....mean to do...this...sorry Marcy"

Amanda and the girls along with the pets ran to Josie and the argument in pure fear as Katrina growled to everyone else who were random passerbys "STAY out of this, its not your buisness!"

Amanda growled "She would NEVER intentionally hurt Marcy! Please leave her alone!

"Surely this is a misunderstanding!" Katrina hissed and tried to grab Josie out of the way of the angry newt women.

"PLEASE STOP!" Evelyn shouted in panic!

"Aunt Yunan and Olivia PLEASE STOP! Josie sweetie would never use her magic maliciously! You have to believe me!" Jessica cried in pain alongside Spike who growled in anger. Jessica then saw the vision too as she collapsed on the floor!

Marcy muttered "This is just a misunderstanding!" with as much energy as she could muster. She barely managed to move her hands up to signal her mommas to leave Josie alone as Joe Sparrow and Quackshire patted her on the head to comfort the poor girl.

"Okay fine, I won't hurt Josephine, but as soon as you both are feeling better, you BETTER have a good explaination for what just happened! I was worried sick for you!" Olivia hissed as Yunan carried away Jessica, Marcy and Josie (with Amanda's help) to the hospital ward to get the girls some rest. She was flabbergasted! Why would Marcy's best friend and somebody she saw as like a niece if Marcy was her daughter try to use a powerful magic spell on her? What was going on, it was so fishy?!

In the hospital ward Marcy was very groggy and tired, that was a powerful vision she had witnessed, it looked like Anne, the girl in her vision sounded and cried like Anne in danger, it made her shiver in fear and shake with anger, how dare anybody hurt Anne, how could they do something like that? Who was this wicked entity giving them both these haunting visions, who did they think they were? Marcy's mood was rather low even though she appreciated her mommas, alongside Quackshire and Joe Sparrow looking out for her next to her on the bed but why did they blame Josie for it? It wasn't her fricking fault that some evil entity has been haunting her for so long!?

Besides her in a bed next to her laid Josie who was just as worn out as Marcy was. Josie looked nackered and exhausted and her half-awake face full of regret even if it wasn't really her fault. Her friends and her Jessikins and Spike were next to her comforting her.

Marcy whispered to her "I don't hate or blame you, its not your fault bestie"

Josie whispered back with as little energy as she could "I know Marcy, I know." She felt a little better but not better enough to talk much. "I'm glad you believe me though...." Josie drifted into a nap as she could barely keep awake. Even though Marcy's eyes were awake now, her and Jessica also fluttered into a nap too which made Olivia wonder why the magic was so synchronotic. It was all too strange for them to understand.

"Josie's powers have NEVER done this before as far as I'M AWARE!" Olivia barked. "Have any of you ever dabbled in dark magic? It could only be so!"

"AUNTIE YUNAN AND OLIVIA!!! WE NEVER dabble in the dark arts, only ethical magic is used! This must be the work of a demon, we stay away from all demons! They are dangerous and evil!" Katrina growled at her auntie and auntie-in-law's accusations. Katrina hated it when anybody assumed she dabbled in evil magic as she was an ethical witch!

"Even ethical magic can have its consequences! We need to heal her NOW! If my baby girl doesn't make it, I SWEAR on Andrias's beard!" Olivia hissed and Yunan frowned at the girls.

"USE YOUR MAGIC WANDY MAJIG whatever and save my daughter NOW!" Yunan barked in anger and in terror.

"I'LL HELP HER! I PROMISE!!!" Katrina hissed in frantic fright as she casted her most powerful light healing spell to help her and get right of any supernatural forces, just in case it was a demonic attack.

The spell activated and while it worked on healing the girls automatically, she accidentally fired another different spell from a satchet on her pocket and they were not in the hospital ward anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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