Chapter 16 - From Nightmares Into Dreams Come True

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Josie jumped out of bed her heart pounding like a drum in fear. She jumped on the ceiling of the roof with her sharp claws and then jumped back down on her feet. She woke up suprisingly early at 4:50 am its suprising despite going to bed early at 8pm shes doesnt wake up that early at least 7am. She rubbed her eyes and quickly peeked through the curtains to see the Newtopian skyline at just about dawn, the sun barely making a peek. It wasn't time yet.

She yawned and tried to go back to sleep but everytime she tried, she would have the same nightmare. Even when her eyes her open and she was wide awake this vision would pop up in her head. And it was a horrid one!

Her friends Anne and Sasha glaring at her with sharp weapons in their hands that stabbed eachother with Marcy trying to interfere "GIRLS please stop fighting! Just talk to eachother, anything but this!" but a river of skulls rapidly seperated her from them as she tried to swim back to the girls.

Anne would ask her "Why didn't you try to safe me from this horrible fate? Its because you don't care about me anymore!" and Sasha would demand with hissing"Whats it like to be a friend thief with blood on your hands?" Mikayla laughed hysterically and Lucia pointed at her calling her a "Loser with no friends!" over and over again with Pamela and Sandra glaring at her in anger. "We're not friends anymore! Don't even look at me!" they said.

The worst was how Jessica and the girls looked away from her like she was a piece of dirt not worth looking at.

Jessica told her "Get away from me! I will never like you I just feel sorry for you! You want to stay in Amphibia forever because your real world is too painful! How could be so selfish to leave your real family back at home! You're a heartless monster!" She curled up into a ball and screamed until the real her woke up from this nightmare!

This dream would repeat over and over again and it made her feel terrible! She curled up in her bed trying to sleep again but would wake up in a flash of terror and sadness.

She curled up into a ball and weeped into her pillowly softly. Suddenly, Josie heard somebody climb down from the silver metal bunk bed and she felt a hand stroke her neck, back and her soft, raven hair.

Josie squeaked "Jessikins? Is that you?"

Jessica whispered "Yes Josie-Posie its just me, my fuchsia kitty princess. You seem really sad, are you alright?"

Josie whispered back "I'm fine but.....I've been having nightmares, horrid horrid nightmares. Nightmares about Marcy trying to stop us and my old friends from fighting but its of no use and you say I'm selfish for...wanting to stay in Amphibia forever! I mean don't get me wrong I LOVE my family back at home and I LOVED LA, but I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! I don't wanna ever leave and this makes me feel so awful!" She sighed melancholly and put her paws on her chin and sulked a little.

Jessica cooed "I'm so sorry you've been having these awful dreams sweetie! I would NEVER say that to you! You are NOT selfish, we love you too and we would hate to see you leave Josie-Kitty! Please don't ever go back home! I understand how you feel even! I've been having nightmares of my parents being eaten by the pets of this evil toad! And their ghosts were sorrowly following me! Maybe I can ask Marcy to ask Lady Olivia to make you soothing Cowmomille tea from a Hybeena's honey and Cowpillar milk, you love honey don't you?"

Jessica shed a few tears but tried not to let them fall on Josie's back and she wiped the tears off with her hands. Josie hugged her as they cried together into each others arms.

Josie gasped "You-you're parents were EATEN?" She felt horrified hearing this, Amanda did briefly mention this but she only mentioned this once and never again. To hear this from the mouth of her best friend who didn't seem to have a care in the world was very shocking and saddening.

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