Chapter 22 - Anne's Purrincess

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Anne was satisfied with her recent victory and very happy with it, her and King Sprig were still bragging about it. They gave Sandra her justice she deserved, will give Pamela hers next very soon and best of all, she found a cute lil kitty cat that looked exactly like her cat Domino but as a catapillar creature in the Cannibal's home they raided! What a day!

"Awwww Domino 2 she likes meeeee!!!!! I'm her momma kitty ain't I?" Anne purred as she and Domino 2 rubbed cheeks together and she instinctively licked Domino 2's fur and patted her head and cheeks. Domino 2 was just a kitten and she needed the nuzzling and warmth that her new momma kitty Anne gave her so generously.

"AWwwwww she's our little princess, our purr-incess if you will" Sprig chuckled to Anne as she cackled to that joke loudly and Domino 2 started sniffing his clothes and rubbing against him while purring loudly.

"Nice one dude!" Anne giggled happily. Anne loved Sprig's jokes and puns were some of her favorite types of humour. "When she grow up she will be a queen why? Cuz a female cat is called a queen!" Anne smiled back at Sprig.

"Heheheheheh! Thats so cool!" Sprig laughed. "Nicely done Anne!" He high fived her as she wiped off the slime from her paws but her frown turned into a smile as Sprig was too cute not to like. Everyone in the village likes him.

"Yeah Marcy told me that one! She told me so many animal facts when I told her I LOVED cats as a kid! I let her pet Domino when I brought her to the park that time!" Anne mewed.

Sprig asked "Yeah that sounds like so much fun, I wanna visit the parks in your world! I hope their as fun as the park that literally slides down to the maw of a hungry snake that you have to run for your life! The life and death makes it 10x more fun! Hehehehe! Also Marcy was like your friend right?"

Anne replied with "Yeah, she was my BFF alongside Sasha and Josephine before Pamela and Sandra entered my life! But I haven't seen her in like 2 months at least! Is she okay I have no idea!" Her mouth released a massive hiss from a mix of suppressed worry and anger from the unknown status of her BFF and yowled as she unseathed her claws instinctively without meaning too and unleashed it on a tree. Sprig gave Anne the convenient emergancy blanket he made out of her shedded blue fur and she released a calm purr from her mouth as she stopped shaking with fear and anger and her body was a lot soothed.

"Thanks dude, I REALLY needed that" Anne mewed.

"Anything for you Anne" Sprig replied with a smile of his cute and goofy lil face.

Sandra and Pamela, alongside Hop-Pop and Polly went over to Anne after hearing the yowl from her! They looked very confused and worried for her at the same time! Even Ivy, Maddie and Sylvia had a look of concern on their faces.

"Anne whats the matter?!?" Hop-Pop asked being worried and concerned for her wellbeing.

"I haven't heard a yowl from you for a long time girl whats up?" Polly said.

"You good?" Sandra asked.

"Is there any way we can help you Anne? Just say the word!" Pamela questioned as she cocked her head with worry.

"I know right? Just tell me who you need dead Anne!" Polly chirped.

"Anybody who messes with a Plantar messes with me!" Hop-Pop declared!

Anne smiled while feeling comforted from all the support and love she recieved from her friends and family. She began to explain her fears to them.

Anne began with "I'm worried for Sasha and Marcy and Josephine, I haven't heard ANYTHING, any new or sightings or anything about them in months! Like I still miss her even though I KNOW Sasha knows how to stay cool in scary situations and shes strong so i'm sure she's fine whever she is but Marcy is very clumsy and Josephine is kinda sensitive and gets her feelings hurt easily so the wrong person tries to mess with her she'd lunge at them and get hurt badly! I'd be surprised if they weren't dead in days! I can't do anything about it but hope they're okay!" She finished with a few tears streaming down her face which made everyone give her a sympathetic glance at the girl. "Don't judge me" Anne whispered.

Pamela and Sandra had a guilty look on their faces when the other girls, especially Josephine were mentioned and their doggy ears drooped in shame with their tails inbetween their legs.

Sprig gave her a hugeeee hug wrapping his arms around her body with the blanket still on her and everybody got into a group hug for Anne.

"We'd never judge you Anne" Sprig said while hugging her. "I'm sure they're cool and alright and you'll meet them again in no time!"

"Never succumb to the woes of worry" Hop Pop soothed Anne. "You've got nothing to fear!"

"We'll always have your backs" Polly chirped! "I'll mace anyone who doesn't! YA!"

"You saved my life! I'd never judge you for anything!" Sandra said.

"Maybe once we destroy that evil town we can go looking for your other friends....Yeah...I hope Josephine is alright too....I hope they're okay too!" Pamela told her with compassion.

"I see why you're MY Sprig's BFF and why Sandra likes you! You're so kind and cool!" Ivy smiled.

"And so understanding too!" Maddie chirped. "You don't judge others hobbies even if they're strange and different! You and Pamela!"

"Its okay to be afraid but don't forget it always works out in the end" Sylvia smiled.

Anne cried happy tears of joy as Domino 2 chewed on her clothes and purred, her way to show her love.

"I know, everything will be okay!" Anne smiled and wiped the tears of her face. "Lets head out and earn ourselves a second revenge! But for Pamela this time! Lets go and kick some butt!"

"YOU go girl!" Pamela cheered as the gang prepared to head off again.

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