Chapter 12 - To Newtopia!

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Mikayla clinged onto Luna's begging that she wouldn't die, as Luna said "DONT KILL US!!!! You don't have to do this lady please don't kill us!!!!" Mikayla cried "DON'T kill my friend please she's like a sister to me!" and Grin, Gratham and Growl looked terrified.

Yunan cackled "WHY should I spare your wretched excuse of a life, scoundrel? You didn't spare these innocent villagers from your wrath and you DARED tried to hurt my precious NIECE Jessica!!!! How dare you!!! You HAVE SEALED YOUR DEMISE CRIMINAL VERMIN!!!!"

Yunan unsheathed her metal claws, 3 each on each hand and was about to cut their heads off when Jessica said "Aunt Yunan please don't kill them! They're evil but we should just change them!"

Josie GASPED! This cool lady was her AUNT? and Jessica talked to her to ask her to deliver mercy? Jessikins was so amazing like that!

Yunan looked confused and asked Jessica "What are you even saying?!?! This villainious fiend deserves only worse than the death I was about to give her! How could you even say that? Are you not my dearest niece Jessikins! First you don't want to join the Newtopian Army and now this?"

Jessica pleaded with "I HATE Mikayla and Luna for what they did don't get me wrong! I HATE THEM! but I don't like bloodshed which is why I prefer playing with magic! Being locked up in jail they will be sad forever, if they die they won't recieve any punishment! Please don't kill them!"

Yunan sighed "Yes Jessie, you were always the pacifistic type weren't you? Aw so precious and so naive. But your naviety was always charming, wasn't it? Hmm...I think I might see your point. Death would be the easy way out, I suppose."

Marcy purred "Yeah plus we can transport these scummy criminals to Newtopia where the King will punish them for us! No yucky, messy bloodshed required yknow Jessica! and and her friends will be congratulated by him in person and we can take Josie to Newtopia with me! That would be so much fun!" her lime green cheetah tailed swished in anticipation. Marcy thought in her head "And to think I played with Mikayla when we were little, I wish I could get a time machine and tell little me to stay away from that jerk!"

Jessica said "Yeah I like this plan! I hate violence so peaceful subdueing them would be the better way! OMG Can we go to Newtopia, Please Auntie Yunan!!!"

Yunan sighed "Jessie, you know I can't resist the begging cute eyes! Please stop it!!!"

Jessica hugged her aunt and said "YAY You're the best! HEY GIRLS We're going on a trip to Newtopia!!!!" Yunan tied the boys, Mikayla and Luna in chains and put them in the back of a carrage to take them to jail.

Josie said "Jessikins! Thats amazing! I can't wait to go to Newtopia!"

Evelyn said "WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!! I can't wait to go to Newtopia!"

Katrina said "Newtopia is so elegant and glamourous and has so much magic! YES!"

Amanda said "Newtopia is indeed a wonderful city, and plus anything to get our minds of what just happened is always welcomed by me!"

Josie hugged the girls and then Marcy made brief eye contact with Josie and ran over to her! "Where are you going Mar-shmellow?" Yunan asked, and Marcy replied with "Saying hi to my bestie BRB!" Yunan accepted her explaination.

Marcy squealled and gave Josie the biggest hug ever which made Jessica a bit jealous but she paid no mind to it.

Marcy while hugging her shouted "OMG HI JOSIE-POSIE ITS ME MAR-MAR!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!! WHERE WERE YOU???? Its been soooooo long literally over a month! I can't wait to catch up with you on everything thats happened with me so far!!!! You seemed to have been very busy too!!!"

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