Chapter 17 - There Bite is Worse Than The Bark

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Marcy in the morning was hugging and petting Spike as he blunted his spikes so she wouldnt accidently hurt herself and he just lapped up the attention the quirky girl gave him. "Ooooh OMG you're so cuuuuute Spike, such an adorable, sweet, cutie, rare Amphibian purple hedgehog! Whose a good boy, you are you are!" Spike licked her face while waggling his little tail and barked happily.

Marcy was sense after telling Josie and Jessica her biggest secret that only Andrias and her mommas knew about, so Spike nuzzling her while she played video games on her phone really meant the world to her!

Everyone else woke up soon after. They had more breakfast meals after taking care of their hygeine and changing into their clothes from their pyjamas. Lady Olivia said to the gang "Rise and shine everybody today is going to be a big day!" "Man, I'm gonna forget how to cook If I keep being pampered like this!" Amanda chirped.

"Nooooo kidding momma, nooooo kidding! This is the life!" Evelyn smiled.

Once they devoured their breakfasts, Olivia and Yunan delivered them to the King once again as he told them he had something important to tell them, which they complied.

As Marcy and Jessica and Josie raced around in cat form, they arrived to the jolly king once again. Josie and Jessica wrapped their tails around each other and held arms together.

"Oh ho ho, how was your day at the largest ever shopping centre! It was truely GRANDE was it not?" He laughed so hard on his belly as the girls giggled and laughed back at their comedic monarch.

Marcy purred "NO KIDDING! It was the most coolest, the most amazing most fun day I've ever had! Me and Josie and Jessica and everyone else! They're just so easy to hang with and they make socialising actually easy peasy! And Spike he's such a little cutie pie! What a little fella!"

Josie said "Yeah! We had a wonderful day yesterday!"

Andrias patted Marcy on her head with his smallest finger gently and replied with "Well I'm glad you had such a marvelous day! Buuuuuut and this is a big but, Marcy is a ranger and rangers have very important work to do! Protecting the city and its people is no easy job so Marcy will need your help Josie!"

Josie gasped! She's getting a job? From the king? OMG NO WAY!

Josie said "I get to help Marcy? What do I need to do? OMG OMG OMG! Did I pack right, too lightly?"

Andrias smiled with "Josie, Josie, Settle down! No need to panic! This won't be TOO HARD, I'm not trying to kill you. Josie I need you to get rid of a pack of giant were-wolf spiders near the city and then the next day destroy pirates that have had their eyes on the city for a loooong time! No big deal!"

Josie said "Yes Andrias we the evil foes that try to haunt and hurt this beloved majestic city! You can count on us to defeat them! ALL in one day or two!!!"

Marcy said "Can we destroy the wolves at afternoon but not night since they're asleep at that time meaning if they're asleep they can't counter attack with deadly venom? But during the day the other critters would be awake distracting us and making the scent of the beasts harder to trace"

Andrias said "Excellent show of euthusiasm, Josie! And very good strategy Marcy, you're so clever and so strategic, your brilliant mind has never dissapointed me! I know you already have a reputation as a saviour celebrity so this won't be difficult! Go out there and make us proud!"

Josie said "WE will Andrias!"

Marcy said "Team Marcyphine rules!"

Andrias waved the girls and their guardians goodbye. Yunan saluted the king and said "Me and my Mar-shmellow will destroy these fiends! As I am the Great General Yunan, Scourge of The Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched and The Youngest Newt to reach the rank of General in the Great Newtopian Army! I will add Slayer of the wolf spider kin and Purger of Pirates to my list of titles too! I will make my wife Olivia proud!" she did cool poses alongside her speech!

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