Chapter 11 - Party Animals

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Josephine felt good today on this beautiful warm and sunny day and so did the girls and their baby Spike the hedgie. Today was a very good day.

The town declared Josie and the girls (and Spike) their heroes and the statue maker Johnny the axolotl (green axolotl) made a beautiful statue of Josie their saviour.

Mindy and Lucy gave the girls free discounts and no interest for new clothes and Milly and Silly and their mommy Lucky walked up to them and the little eft twins said "You're my hero!Sign my teddybear that looks like you!" "We and mommy love you Josephine!" with a childish accent.

Josie said "You're cool too kids" and she smiled while signing her plushie. Amanda smiled and said to Josie "I'm so proud of you, you're my hero" and she hugged Josie and the girls joined in.

Jessica gave her the worlds biggest hug and her tail wrapped around hers and she nuzzled her cheek happily. "You're the best Josie-posie! My life would be boring and lifeless without you but you mean the world to me, you light up my life like the shiny stars in your hair and how it sparkles so much! Never leave us!"

Josie said "You too Jessiekins, you too! You're amazing and I'm so lucky to have you! Who would I be without you?"

Evelyn said "Me too, My life would be meaningless without you gals! Hip hip hooray to Josie-posie!!!"

Katrina said "Life would be awfully dull without you, you must stick around forever! Stay I say! Will I have to hex you so you don't leave us, Josie? You're wonderful!"

Amanda said "You're so wonderful, you all are wonderful!" and Spike nuzzled Josie and the girls and nuzzled them which in hedgehog-ese meant "I love you so much!"

The girls all huggled eachother and everyone in the town said in unison "AWWWWWW they're so cute!" With Johnny saying "*sniff* even the glorious statue I made doesn't compare to what I'm seeing" with others commenting "I want what they have!"the food seller said, "So pure it makes me cry!" the mailman said, "I'm not crying you're crying!" a fangirl newt shouted to her friend who said "oh who are we kidding we're totally crying!", "I want my own hedgehog!" a little boy eft said to his parents and more sweet comments from the townspeople.

Lucy said "I wish my loved ones were like that!" and Mindy hugged her and said "Girl tell me about it, they're so cute and wholesome!" and she cried happy tears with Lucy.

Milly said "Awwwww so cute! I love it!" and Silly said "I know, so sweet like my lollipop!" as she happily ate her lollipop and their mommy Jenna hugged them both and said "I love you girls as much as they love eachother!" "WE love you too mommy" the twins both said in unison.

Even Vincent the grumpy gave the girls a thumbs up and smiled not wanting to ruin the moment. Amanda cautiously smiled and payed him no mind.

Vincent said "Y'know what? Amanda lets have a truce for today and the town can have a party in Josie's honor!"

The town looked confused, why is Vincent being so friendly and humble today, he NEVER does that! But we can't say no to a party especially as a tribute to our heroine, they thought. Whats the worst that could happen, why not?

Amanda said "Okay then, but I want to be the one that hosts the party!" Vincent grinned "Why not Amanda, why not?" Josie and the girls felt strange but didn't know what to say, but she knew Amanda would be an amazing host for an awesome party so if she's the host, then nothing could go wrong!

Amanda said "This party will happen at 7:00pm sharp! Be there and it will be a wonderful party for our girl Josie!" the town crowd cheered in delight and chanted "WE LOVE JOSIE!" and then went home anticipating the noon.

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