Chapter 15 - Done Fur Fun!

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The king was massive but seeminly a gentle giant type Josie obserbed. Josie and the gang still bowed anyways as a sign of respect, even Olivia and Yunan did the same.

Marcy said "Hey hey Josie and the gang, This is King Andrias, His Majesty Himself and the best dad ever! He's so sweet and gentle, no need for bowing!" she giggled.

"Ho ho, so these are the heroes of Salamander Square, the legendary Josephine and her crew, greetings I am indeed King Andrias and Its so nice to have finally met you! No need for formalities, I'm not THAT scary am I?" The king started laughing so hard on his belly.

Katrina whispered "He....wasn't what I expected..." Sweet but goofy wasn't what she expected to call her ruler. She rationalised in her head that she'd probably would grow to like him anyways.

Jessica whispered "He seems like a nice guy, what about you Josie-Posie?" Jessica thought he was alright so he could be cool.

Josie said "He seems chill! Why can't more leaders be like him?" Her childlike sense of joy entertained by his clownish attitude.

Evelyn whispered "He seems so coooool! Maybe someday I could be Princess Evelyn to the rescue!" She did kawaii and brave poses on Josie's shoulders but Katrina just rolled her eyes even though she was amused at her antics.

Amanda whispered "Maybe someday Evie sweetheart, I'm sure he's a good king, he just wants to welcome us guests I suppose" She always liked to see the good in others even if she had a skeptical streak sometimes.

Spike barked happily as Andrias threw him a ant pancake as a treat and his tiny hedgie tail waggled merrily. Anybody who gave him a good treat was good in his books. He is a sweet and merry hedgehog that smiled when Andrias petted his head with the smallest finger of his and very gentley.

Marcy said "Oh father, It's so amazing I finally got to introduce you to Josie and the gang, they're so talented, funny, kindhearted, witty, the whole package! Eeeeee!!! I'm so excited!"

King Andrias smiled warmly at Marcy and replied with a warm smile on his face "I can tell Marcy, I can tell. They certainly are talented, oh the legends and rumours I had you and my subjects tell me about their neverending victories against many a foe! And they're right here in this palace at my feet! No kidding its very very cool to meet them!" He waved to them.

Josie said "Wow....we're famous heroes in NEWTOPIA of all places? Noooo way!" while Josie was humble she enjoyed the praise and ate it all up anyway. She was amazed at her reputation.

King Andrias continued with "Yeeeeees way Kiddo!!! Your just as famous as my kiddo Marcy!!! Everybody wants to meet and know you, especially after capturing a nasty treasonous traitor, that dastardly Luna and the wicked Mikayla, two true villains alongside her evil minions who all have been terrorising Amphibia for years and thanks to you and Marcy you both saved the day!!! You should be very proud of yourselves!!! Josephine you are soooo humble for such a mighty hero!"

Marcy said "Thanks for the praise Andrias, but Momma Yunan also helped us as well as Joe Sparrow my adorable steed! What would I do without them?" Yunan saluted him and Olivia bowed to him.

Josie said "You're too kind with all this praise!" she saluted him as Jessica gave her a thumbs up.

Andrias smiled "No need for excessive modesty! I would like you Marcy to show Josephine around the city and say hi to all her adoring fans, her and her posse if you will! Once you're done getting to know the city, I would like to assign you two to duel missions together!"

Marcy gasped "We get to go on missions, TOGETHER!!!!! Oh Andrias THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! SO MUCH THANK YOU!!!!! I've always wanted a true friend to go on missions with, the crew I went with didn't like me anymore after we stopped a creepy cult together for some reason..." She sighed sadly thinking about that time and her kitty ears flattened.

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