Chapter 14 - Ready or not, Here I Come!

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Josephine, Marcy, Jessica and the others woke up on time, Josie feeling refreshed and happy. "Today was the day", Marcy thought while purring, "this is gonna be so much fun a whole day in Newtopia and then plenty of magical adventures between us!" Marcy called "Rise and shine everybody! Today is the great day! I'm so excited hahaha!!! Me, my momma Yunan and Josie and the gang get to go on epic quest, our first one together!"

Josie and Jessica awakened from their convient bunkbed in the same room, feeling refreshed from Olivia's sleeping tea that gave them plenty of rest. Jessica rubbed her aquamarine eyes, and Josie yawned as her tailed flicked and she stretched her legs and mrowed while arched like a feline. Jessica thought this was cute as she watched and smiled and whispered "Josie's so cute when she purrs and stretches"

Josie purred intentionally to rise a reaction out of Jessica which made her even more enchanted by her. The girls took turns leaving the room to get changed and took off their scorpileo and hedgehog pyjamas and got changed into their new outfits they borrowed from the palace. Josie always found it interesting that the same deadly vicious beasts that mauled the locals were also made into cute and adorable pyjamas and merchandise but liked it as even vicious beasts needed love too!

Spike woke up to nuzzle both girls as they fed him for breakfast his favorite extra large deep fried cricket legs and extra sweet sticky sauce, he surprisingly had a sweet tooth and the girls had to clean his fur of the sauce. Jessica twirled her fingers around nervously while smiling. Amanda said "Wakey wakey girlies, General Yunan and Lady Olivia offered to get us breakfasts as their guests requested by His Majesty himself so I won't be doing any cooking today!"

"OMG REALLY?" Evelyn asked as Amanda frowned, "I mean I love your cooking, but I've never had Newtopian food very much!" Amanda's frown collapsed and it transformed into a delightful smile.

Katrina said "Hmmmm...this will truly be a new and interesting experience for you then girl, to be honest I wanna know what it tastes like too" Katrina loved new experiences and so did Evelyn.

Amanda said "I'm not sure if I should be relived my cooking arms will recieve a well deserved break or be deeply offended you want someone elses probably much better food today"

Josie said "Don't be sad, this is vacation we can relax and enjoy ourselves"

Amanda hugged Josie and said "You're a real sweetheart, you're a real angelic sweet pea" and Josie embraced the hug and hugged her back harder "You're the best Momma Xotl".

Evelyn jumped up and down in boredom "I want my pancakes!" and even climbed the guards armor landed on his head and on everything very tall and jumpable and stuck her tongue out at Katrina who was reading a book and did silly gestures with her hands at her. She said to the annoyed guard "You can't catch me nyananananana!" Katrina used a spell to teleport her back while saying "If you don't calm down the pancakes will be in my mouth instead yeah thats right Yunan said I can have them instead" and Evelyn gasped and whined "SERIOUSLY? Aw man fine!" and she reluctenly stopped bouncing around like a bouncy ball.

Josie gave her the phone to pacify her for a moment and she played games on the phone. Josie loved Evelyn but sometimes thought that a hyper monkey was trapped in her frogs body but thats what made her so lovable.

Marcy walked over to pet Spike and cooed "Awwww your the sweetest cutest little hedgie ever I want my own hedgie YUNAN I WANT MY OWN TAMED HEDGIE" Yunan said to Marcy "ANYTHING for you my precious wittle Mar-shmellow I will scower the lands and tame the mightest hedgehog to be your newest beloved pet my dear" and Marcy said "YOUR THE BEST MOMMA EVER YUNAN!!!!" Olivia said "You WILL make our baby eft happy" Yunan said "Was there ever any doubt Via" Olivia and Yunan were holding hands. Marcy then squealled and ran over to Josie to talk to her and Josie's friends.

Marcy said "I have an entire plan written out for the whole day! Josie!!!!" she bounced up and down while holding Josie's arm with Jessica holding Josie's over arm. Josie said "An entire script?" Marcy showed her her notes that was more than a few paragraphs long very detailed of the plans she had for the days spent in Newtopia and then the quests they'll have together.

"GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY!" Yunan called the gang as they ate their delivered breakfast foods. The gang looked at her. Olivia said "We will escort you to the king his majesty himself after you devour your breakfast"

Marcy said to her "They will love to meet him Momma!" she giggled in anticipation. Josie and co would LOVE meeting him hes such a sweetheart!

Josie said "You're mommas are so sweet and so cool!"

Marcy said "Aw shucks Josie you're too kind and no kidding I love them sooo much I don't know what I'd do without them! They're the best mommas ever!"

Josie said "They remind me of momma Xotl Amanda both super sweet but also very sassy and will defend you against the entire world!"

Marcy said "Yes exactly thats who my mommas are! The beeeeeeest! Did you know Joe Sparrow was a present from my mommas endorsed by the King himself?"

Josie said "Awwww thats soooo sweet!!! You're so lucky that they gave you such a cool gift!"

Marcy said "They're the bessssttttt!!!! Your friends seem so cool! I wanna know about them! You told me about Amanda but I wanna know sooo much more!!! Don't spare any details!"

Josie said "I won't leave out anything if you insist!" She described how "Evelyn dances in her sleep and shes a hyperactive cuddly like a squirrel on a 24/7 sugar rush shes friendly too and is popular with everyone back in the hometown", "Katrina seems aloof like that intimidating dark witch from that one level but deep down shes a massive softy and worry wart" Marcy said "she sounds a-mage-zing!" and Josie laughed and continued with "and Jessica is The sweetest, most lovelyiest most amazing newt you'd ever meet shes so lovely and kind and found me in the woods the day I became a part of them" and so on with Marcy just eating up all the information as well as how her cat form is different than Marcys form.

"My form is fuchsia spotty cat with killamoth wings and rainbow tail that glitters in the sunlight and I have accessed other forms with Katrinas magic help, Amphibian magic is so unique compared to our new natural magic"

As the gang chilled while Marcy and Josie hanged out and chatted, Olivia declared "Okay everyone times up Chop chop the king wants you all on time so please arrive at once" to the gang. She whispered in earshot to Marcy while climbing on Yunans shoulder "and Marcy normally I don't allow running indoors but I shall make an exception my darling just be careful not to trip on your tail please" referring to her racing in cheetah form. She quickly attached Her tail had a ribbon attached to it that was cute and would stop her from tripping anyways.

Within seconds of talking Josie and Marcy shifted to their fuchsia cat and lime green cheetah forms and ran all the way to the throne room as Yunan and Olivia ran behind them and the gang teleported their way to Josie.

"Now this time I won! By 0.70 seconds! Yay me!" Marcy cheered as Josie panted and even if she lost, she couldn't help but not be mad at her friend.

"Marcy as much as I adore your infuciasm try not to run off without tell us! I wish I didn't have to constantly tell you this!" Marcy looked a bit dissapointed and Olivia tutted but then hugged her anyway "Your infuciasm is adorable I simply cannot resist the "kitty-cat eyes" as you put it!"

"The kitty cat eyes can pierce even the armour of the Great General Yunan" Yunan said feeling sorry for Marcy. They both hugged Marcy and patted her ears and she purred. "Our baby is so sweet and so adorable"

The newtopian guards played their trumpets as Marcy and the gang walked over to the king himself, a GIGANTIC light blue newt with a white beard and a sense of humour as big as his body.

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