Chapter 3 - School Days

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Anne said to Josie "Just ignore Maggie she always starts stuff especially with new kids who she calls fresh meat, her words not mine. Theres a reason why even my cat Domino goes on the war path when shes around, shes just not a good person, its not your fault Josie" and Josephine gasped, "Cats know who is good and who is evil it makes sense she HATES her guts! They JUST DO!" Anne said "Yeah Josie no kidding, she was in a horrid bad mood on the day Maggie did a dine and dash in my parents Thai restuarant and got BANNED for life like man my mom was MAD, my cat is a friggin psychic like that" Josie said "Yeah my late cat Dawn was like that too! She could even predict the weather! and speaking of cats can I see yours?" Anne opened up her phone and showed her pics of her cat Domino and Josie squealled "AWWWW shes so cute I love the kitty cat!" and smiled a big grin! What a good morning she was having. "see ya in class josie" Anne called out and Josie said "I will! See you too!".

Josephine looked shocked at the new friends she had and with the most popular girls at the school. She pinched herself to make sure she wasnt dreaming but it was the truth, her new truth, she was gonna be popular and have lots of friends. Her new life was going to be amazing and If Pamela and Sandra didn't want to hang out with her anymore, well it was there loss and not hers now wasn't it she supposed? Oh well.

During the lessons the girls sat next to each other and watched clips of TV shows and movies ("That show was so funny" Anne said and Sasha said "No kidding it was so hilarious" Anne said back "heheheheh cant wait for the sequel its gonna be so cool") they liked while Marcy did their homework (Marcy says "Oh please its no problem Josie this equations stuff is soooo easy when you get the hang of it Josie...)and helped them since she was the smart one and Josephine was creative and bright but not very smart. They would sit next to each other and lunch time and talk together as lunch time was more fun than lessons and would sometimes skip classes if they could get away with it.

Josephine even if she hated most lessons, she hated hated hated HATED maths, english and most sports, she did enjoy swimming, tennis, science and art classes but most of the lessons she just blocked it out because it was so boring. Yes most of the teachers were kind but kinda strict but she was just on friendly enough terms with most of them, she wasn't the type to befriend teachers she supposed. As for the other kids, most of them were friendly enough (other than Maggie who still had a grudge against her and a few others who smiled when she was around but talked about her behind her back saying "Wow what does Sasha see in her shes weird and mousy, why not me and why her instead? I'm way cooler! but most said "She seems so interesting and unique I wanna know more about Josie, she seems" "I like her hair!" and such)

As the days and weeks went by Josie and Marcy clicked very well, they both loved video games, manga, anime, cosplay, fanfics and other geeky things and even if Josephine was creative but not book smart Marcy didn't care. "I'm writing a Cynthia Coven fanfic about her joining a new coven and gaining feline witch powers" Josie said and Marcy said "NO WAY that sounds so cool! I wrote tons of Cynthia Coven fanfics too, wanna read them?" "Yes!" Josie said happily and they read fics together. They edited AMVs together too to their favorite songs "It looks like Sweetie Neko is singing to this song to the Warrior Prince doesn't she?" Josie said and Marcy replied with "Ikr your so good at lip synch editing Josie!" hanging out was fun.

Anne and Josie shared a similar love of cats and shared after school clubs too and Josie's liked Anne's jokes "You're so funny Anne!" Josie giggled. Sasha was friendly and cool to Josie and they both liked similar TV shows (but live action not cartoon) and liked similar fashions ("Your dress is so pretty where did you buy it from?"), but Josie was a bit nervous around her, she just seemed so confident and so COOL. What did she see in someone so mousy and not as cool as her? But the insecure teenager brushed it off as her being kind underneath her coolness and tried to forget about any insecurities.

Josephines mom and the twins were so proud of her finding her new friend group, especially after spending a year with no friends and moody and sad. "No way big sister is friends with THEM? I heard they're the popular girls at the school!" Sapphire beamed and Savannah said "THATS AMAZING! I wish I had popular and cool friends! I didn't make many friends..." Josie said "Thanks but I'm sure you will find some friends, school is always fun" while her mom said "I'm so proud of my baby girl finding her place at school! I knew she wasn't gonna eat lunch all by herself like I was worried she would! I'm so happy for you!" And best of all after school her mom brought home a new cat name Snowy a beautiful white cat with golden sunlight eyes and a gorgeous fluffy fur coat adorned with a pink heart collar that she adored! "I LOVE HER SO MUCH THANK YOU SO MUCH CAN I KEEP HER!?" Josie beamed and her mom said "Shes all yours sweetie, although if the twins wanna play with her please share" "I will mom!" Josie promised. And also not only that, the school promised to get her a new emotional support pet hedgehog!

"I'm getting a new HEDGEHOG? Thats soooooo cool and so cute! I can't wait to pet her and feed her and love her and show her off to everyone! I wanna name her Daffodill! Shes gonna be so cute!" Josie chirped with pride. The day when the school gave her the hedgehog arrived and her and the girls squealled over Daffodil the cute little hedgehog.

"Awwww shes sooooo cute! I must take so many selfies with her look at her lil paws and her lil pink ribbon shes so cute!" Sasha squealled and reached out her phone "Hey girls let all take a group selfie together ya" and the girls with Daffodil took a group pic together and printed it out for them to keep 4 each. "This is the one cool thing the teachers did for school at least" she slightly snarked but mostly focused on the hedgehog. Anne said "What a lil sweetie I love her so much Arent you a baby Daffodil? Your just as sweet as my baby Domino but a hedgehog of course" and Marcy said "This hedgehog is so cute and sweet and so tame, shes definitly an african pgymy hedgehog a tame breed of hedgehog the wild ones are too aloof to be this nuzzly and cuddly" Marcy patted daffodils head.

Soon kids and even the teachers would gather around for the hedgehog and would ask for turns to pet and hug the hedgehog. "Alright everyone back off break it up NOW, you've had your turn, now its mine" Sasha said "Right Josie, I can keep her for the weekend right?" Josie said "Um...sure?" Sasha asked "Whats the matter Josie usually your more euthutiastic about my plans, you always play pranks on boys i dont like or teachers I dislike so whats with the hestitation? Your hedgehog likes me so whats the big deal? Look after me and Tyler broke up Im really down in the dumps so I NEED this hedgehog to cheer me up" and she did a fake sad face which made Josie feel sorry for her, even brought in a few fake tears down her cheeks. Josie said "Um okay you can have her..." "relax josie I will give her back it won't be forever just the weekend k?" and Josie said "Okay you two have fun!" "I will invite you later see ya girl" Sasha said taking the hedgehog with her and Josie in her thoughts. "that just happened...well I trust her so whatever" Josie shrugged it off.

Anne said "OH Tyler ew that guy oh josie she told me he was a massive JERK (Anne pranked him HARD as revenge) she really needs this one Josie trust her shes always right, if a friend needs your thing give it to her thats what all good friends do Josie" Marcy said "Oh thats is soooo true you did the right thing Josie and both her and the hedgehog are happy everyone wins cheer up Josie we can visit the hedgie anytime okay?" And Josie smiled and forgot about it. They were her new BFFS...but why did this make her slightly umcomfy? Why the sudden doubt? Josie felt a bit sad but kept her mouth shut she just got popular she didnt want to lose her friends all over again.

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