Chapter 6 - Town

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A strange group of amphibian people, 2 girl sister salamanders, a female frog and a axolotl woman, their caretaker lived nearby the area rumoured to be scavenged by a strange hairless beast, strange even for the oddities that live in this mysterious world. They heard rumours about this strange beast and wanted to see what the fuss was all about as they worked to tame and capture beasts if they ever entered the town. They used spells and traps to keep them out.
They were younger sister newt Jessica (coral pink salamander with baby blue chin length hair with blunt fringe and the front of her hair is curled with hairclips in them) and her adoptive sister Evelyn (girly light pink frog with neon pink long messy hair) who are both 13 years old. Jessica has a blood related older sister named Katrina (taller coral pink salamander with long straigtened lavender hair) who is 16 years old. Their caretaker, a female lady axolotl named Amanda (pink axolotl wearing an apron) took them in when their parents got eaten a while back after Jessica's cousin/aunt joined the Newtopian Army. Their caretaker is 44 years old and has lived most of her life in this cozy town somewhere near Newtopia but not quite next door.
They finished eating dinner as the town's leader, a newt told them they have a job for them. Vincent the purple newt, the wealthiest newt in the town guarded by a league of growling vicious toads, including a smaller and scruffy haired mint green female blonde one who tried her best to look as tough and scary as she could, and serviced by some butler and maid frogs who worked for him. The servant frogs smiled but didn't seem super happy but had no choice but to grin and bear their suituiation.
He asked to a friendly Amanda "You're the amazing Amanda right? bewitching tamer of the exotic beasts yeah? Well i have a job for you, the toughest one yet! I'm sick of finding bones everywhere in outskirts of this town like some scavanger layed a nest here, and tourists are starting to stay clear from this town as sightings of only the most HIDEOUS beast, a fuchsia eyed demon rumoured to lurk here. Be a dear and find the monster responsible won't you?"
Amanda responded (trying to hide a grimace) with "A DEMON!?!? How dare it hurt the innocents that live here! I will do my best! This evil evil beast will be taken down by my hands and this town will sleep safe and sound! The efts will play happily and everyone will be happy!"
Vincent smirked a sly grin, not caring he was probably sending her to her doom "Thats right isn't it, everyone will be happily only risking being eaten by normal beasts not weird hideous ones! You will help you as best as you can!"
Amanda closed the door as her daughters waited outside with "I will...see you sir". She said him goodbye and put away her forced smile. In her head she thought "That Vincent! Always giving me tough jobs, never liked him but I have to tolerate him or my girls wont get fed and the toads will hurt me!" Axolotls weren't as high ranked as Newts so she had to obey him.
Jessica shyly asked while nervously fiddling with her fingers with a whisper to her Mom "What d-did he want from us Mom, hopefully nothing too difficult!"
Amanda said to her girls "We're headed to the forest to hunt down the beast rumoured to lurk and eat newts! Stay back sweethearts, these beast could be the toughest one I've ever found"
Jessica asked as they set out a trap for the beast, rumoured to devour bones, "I-isn't this just efts making stories? We see strange animals all the time in these woods"
Evelyn smiled "Nuh uh sistah!" and she sassily put her hands on her hips. "The beast isnt just any old beast, its a DEMON with fuchsia eyes and hundreds of teeth that will devour your SOUL! Wooooooooo" as she lovingly teased her shyer sister.
Katrina groaned "You all seriously still believe in demons? This is probably just a mutated mantis or hedgehog or something! NO WAY your bluffing! Demons can't exist! They just can't!" She heard rumours of dark magic but to see a demon face to face would be nerve wracking and she'd rather deny the rumours.
As they waited they heard a feminine cry and wail from their mother, "ITS THE FUCHSIA FIEND! THE DEVOURER OF NEWTS! ITS REAL! AND ITS IN THE TRAP GIRLS STAY BACK!!!!"
Josephine stared at her capturers and whimpered, she got too careless, she was too hungry to think or care. The girl begged for her capturers mercy, "Please don't kill me!"

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