Chapter 20 - What A Pawsome Day!

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Josephine and Jessica sat next to Marcy feeling excited in the late morning. They were playing a multiplayer game together on their phones Maria Kart 3 "Take my spare phone Jessikins I have two" Josie chirped as Jessica smiled back with "Thanks my fuchsia princess" and gave her a kiss on the cheek that made Josie feel warm and happy inside, like a bonfire that went off in her heart. Josie kissed her back on her cheek that made Jessica blush!

"OH I'm so happy for you two!" Marcy purred. "You two are sooooo cute together as a couple! How did you two meet and realised you liked each other?! Give meeee all the DEEEEEEETS!"

Josie smiled and spoke up with "We liked eachother since the first look into eachothers eyes, she rescued me from a hunting trap in the thick woods and It was like love at first sight like it was meant to be!"

Jessica blushed and said "We didn't even realise we liked eachother but something about us always felt like more than friendship, like we would always hold eachothers hands and arms and our tails would curl around each other! It made so much sense! We would even share eachothers clothes and makeup too! It was a no-brainer!"

Marcy purred "No kidding you two are just soooo purrfect for each other!!! I'm suprised you two didn't get together any sooner!!!! EEEEEEEEE!!!! SO cute!!! Whens the wedding?"

Jessica blushed and asked "WEDDING??? Girl we just started dating!"

Josie purred "Yeah, as beautiful as we'd want our wedding to be, give it some time!"

Marcy sheepishly grinned and replied with "Oops sorry got too ahead of myself hahahaha" as she fiddled with her paws in embarassment and said "I meant you two were a lovely couple with a bright future my bad"

Josie and Jessica hugged Marcy and Josie said "Its fine, no need to feel embarassed, don't worry girl its cool!"

Jessica told Marcy "Its okay I sometimes say silly things too! its fine! And thanks for wishing us good luck! Girl I hope you find somebody special in your life too, they'd be soooo lucky to have you as a girlfriend yknow?"

Marcy replied to her with "Yeahhhh, social stuff is soooo difficult sometimes, talking to my pet ducky is so much easier! And awww shucks you girls make me blush, you two are so sweet!"

Josie asked "Awwwww that ducky is sooooo cute!!!! What a cutie, whats his name, can we pet him???? Awwwww!"

Marcy replied with "The ducks name is Quackshire, cute name aint it? His full name is Sir Quackshire the Greatest and Most Cutest Warrior Duck in Newptopia but just call him Quackshire or Quacky for short! Hes such a sweetheart! His fangs are cute too! Momma got him as a present to me since she knew I LOVE ducks and she also promised she'd get me a hedgehog too when she finds one! I hope Quackshire and Spike get along swimmingly! Get it?"

Josie purred with "QUACKSHIRE? That name is purrfect! Awwww I love him he's so cute even when he roars!!! Your momma is so kind! Your jokes are soooo funny Mar-mar!"

Jessica smiled and said "Quackshire is so sweet and friendly! I love him!"

Spike sniffed at Quackshire and the two looked at each other curiously, not sure what to think of each other, but they approached each other they started to nuzzle each other and chirp with each other and played together happily!

Josie, Jessica and Marcy squealled at how cute their pets were and how they got along so well! SOOOOOO CUTE! OMG!

Josie smiled "AWwwwwwwww I loooooooveeeeee Spike he's so cute and he's nuzzling Quackshire!!!! They love to plaaayyyyy!!! My babies!!!"

Jessica said "Our babies love to play together, what cutttttiiiiiessss!!! They're so lovely! EEEEEEEE!!!!!"

Marcy mewed "AWWWWWWWWWWW Oh Quackshire and ohhhhh Spike!!!! Soooo cute!!!"

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