Chapter 23 - Destroy

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Anne and the gang headed off on Bessie once again for one more revenge trip and this time it was for Pamela! After they took a nap in the motel they took from the evil cannibals they slayed, They headed off to the far away town that was somewhat off road and a bit bumpy on the way so they gave Bessie some cream just in case.

Pamela said "Its time they get their just desserts ain't it Anne, those jerks soooo deserve it!" while her fluffy pink dog tailed waggled happily.

"Totes" Anne replied. "I won't feel sorry for them when we give them a good butt whooping! Ha take that!"

The two girls high fived happily with Maddie and the others smiling for them.

Maddie with a spell made a huge hand high five with Pamela that was impressed by her cool magic, gasping and shouting "WOW so cool!" at her spell.

Hop Pop ordered Bessie to travel faster with a swift "BESSIE THINGS ARE GETTING MESSY!" as she travelled so fast to where they ordered her to go!

As they pursuited their goal, they came across several things they found concerning on their way to the town, several fresh corpses of frogs and blood stains everywhere but not a single predator in site, mean written signs about how toads rule frogs drool, striped red fur shedded everywhere with a feline stench in the air that for some reason smelled like Sasha's favorite perfume, and how eerie everything felt, it sent a chill down their spine. Even Maddie, a lover of all things creepy, found this too creepy and disgusting. She instisted she didn't hex the town in advance as she promised everyone would get a slice of the action. Even though they all wanted revenge, they wondered if somebody else did the job for them?


Grime looked over the corpses of the towns frogs that rebelled and protested against paying taxes and having toads rule over them as Sasha wiped her paws clean of the bloodstains that were splattered on her fur. Grime spat "Ha Serve these useless rebels right! They got what they deserve!" Grime and Sasha put another set of frog heads onto more pikes together.

"Yeah we rule!" Sasha purred, "Thanks to us and how awesome we are, these frogs will know their place!"

"Hmmph, any more towns we haven't been to yet, I wanna sharpen my claws more" Sasha purred

"Didn't we promise Andrias that if that tacky mayor Toadstoal didnt get to work in wartwood, WE WOULD?"

"Sure as heck we did!" Sasha gloated.


The town was an empty ghost town littered with corpses, frog heads on pikes and bloodstains like the forests before littered with vandalism (with graffiti that said frogs suck and toads rock and sasha and grime were here) and houses robbed of all things, including posters of King Sprig and his granddad Hop Pop that other frogs practically worshipped for giving them hope, all gone. These frogs were not the nicest, but did they really deserve to be slaughtered and tortured by the toads?

"What the heck just happened here?" Anne whimpered.

"Murder, horrible murder" Sprig growled.

"THIS IS SO AWFUL! Not even they deserve this terrible fate besowed upon them!" Pamela cried while hugging Anne and Maddie.

"What monsters did these atrocities! Of course its the toads its always them!" Sylvia spat. "Sure they were jerks and we wanted to beat them up but not like this"

"WHO the heck did this! I just wanna "talk" to them! Frog revenge is only okay if its frog on frog" Hop Pop snarled.

"I wish I was born without eyeballs now! So uncool!" Polly growled.

"GROSS!" Ivy spat.

"Thats just nasty!" Maddie grimaced. "It would be cool if it was me doing it, but the toads are jerks so its just WRONG"

As they looked at the scene with horror, Anne noticed the sight and the scent of a blonde tiger girl alongside her toad captain flashed red eyes at them but they both decided to just walk away while hissing.

Anne asked herself "Darn....was Sasha behind this?....I think I need to go and lie down....." as she couldn't hold back to urge to cry as Domino 2 nuzzled her.

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