Chapter 13: Shenanigans Around

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Kirito sprinted towards Yukime, interrupting her serene tea time. "Yukime, what's the deal with the black fox mask you gave me?"

Yukime looked up from her tea, her large fox ears perking up at Kirito's abrupt arrival. After a moment of curiosity, she chuckled, "Ah, Kirito-kun, I did mention that black fox mask was meant to make you look intimidating. Did it work?"

Kirito scratched his head, admitting, "Well, Yukime, that mask didn't just work—it overdid it. I looked like a downright vicious monster out there."

Yukime sipped her tea, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Kirito-kun, that was the whole point. If you were aiming for a righteous hero look, dealing with the Cult isn't a job for that kind of demeanor. Intimidation sends a clearer message in this case."

Kirito nodded, "I get it, Yukime. But it seems my 'intimidation' left quite an impression on Shadow Garden as well. They won't be forgetting that anytime soon."

Kirito pondered Yukime's strategy, realizing the potential benefits. "Perhaps playing this dual role could work to my advantage. Operating as Kirito for collaboration and going solo as the Dark Swordsman for more discreet tasks. The challenge is maintaining the illusion without Shadow Garden catching on."

Yukime smirked confidently, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Kirito-kun, the art of deception is subtle. Even if Shadow Garden suspects, they won't discern the truth. Mastering the dual role is our key to navigating these intricate shadows."

With Shadow Garden...
In a dimly lit hallway of Cid's opulent mansion, he strolled casually, the echoes of his footsteps resonating through the grandeur. A discreet maid trailed behind him, her presence almost unnoticed. Cid turned to her, raising an eyebrow, "What is it?"

The maid seamlessly transformed, revealing herself to be Alpha, her elven features now apparent. With a calculated tone, she informed Cid, "We encountered an individual who appears to pose a potential threat to our cause, Master Cid. The situation requires your attention."

Cid maintained his composed demeanor, narrowing his eyes slightly. "I see," he responded calmly. Without breaking his stride, he turned to Alpha and demanded, "Details, Alpha. I expect a thorough report on this person."

Alpha hesitated for a moment before revealing, "Master Cid, this individual goes by the name of the Dark Swordsman. He engaged in combat with Shadow Garden operatives who attempted to impede his interference with our mission. His actions were bold, and his presence demands our attention."

Cid couldn't help but smirk at the mention of the Dark Swordsman. "Dark Swordsman," he thought, (Now that's a name someone deeply immersed in video games would choose. A clever disguise, indeed.)

As he continued walking, memories from his previous life surfaced. (I recall facing an opponent with that name in a video game,) Cid thought, his smirk widening. (Strong player, if I remember correctly. Interesting to see the name resurface in this world.)

Alpha, sensing Cid's amusement, inquired, "Master Cid, do you know of the Dark Swordsman?"

Cid nodded, "Yes, Alpha. I faced someone with that moniker. A formidable adversary, to say the least."

Alpha, visibly surprised, responded, "Master Cid, the Dark Swordsman engaged in combat with me, and he emerged victorious. His skills are exceptional."

"Master Cid," Alpha began, her voice composed, "if you acknowledge the Dark Swordsman's strength and have experienced it firsthand, we should exercise caution. His skills are exceptional, and underestimating him could prove detrimental to our mission."

She continued, "Considering he claims to be a wanderer, our knowledge about him is limited. It might be wise to gather more intelligence, understand his motives, and assess whether he poses a direct threat to our objectives."

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