Chapter 19: Blades of Defiance

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In the morning sunlight, the teacher from the Royal Spellsword Academy gathers Kirito's class in the fencing area.
"Today, we'll set aside theory and focus on the art of wielding a sword with elegance and grace," the teacher announces, igniting a sense of anticipation among the students.

Cid lounges on his practice sword, eyes glazed with boredom. "Yay," he deadpans, his enthusiasm matching that of a sloth at a tea party.

Kirito mimics Cid, slouching dramatically. "Oh, I can hardly contain my excitement," he declares, sarcasm dripping like syrup. "Can't wait to gracefully swing my sword through the air like a swan in battle."

"I'm glad to see everyone is brimming with excitement," the teacher remarks with a smile. He then swiftly draws his sword and effortlessly slices a training dummy in two with a clean, precise cut.

"Now, let's see if you can channel that enthusiasm into your swordsmanship. Give it a try, class," he instructs, encouraging the students to test their skills on the training dummies.

The students form a line, each awaiting their turn to showcase their swordsmanship. Cid reluctantly rises from his lounging position and shuffles toward the line, a look of resigned acceptance on his face.

Kirito, following suit, takes his place in line just behind Cid, offering a playful nudge. "Come on, Cid, it's just a bit of swan-like swordplay. What could go wrong?" he teases, attempting to lighten the mood.

Cid shoots Kirito a sceptical glance. "Probably everything. I'll be the first swan in history to trip over its own feathers," he deadpans, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Kirito chuckles, patting Cid on the back. "Nah, you got this." he encourages, trying to boost Cid's confidence before their turns.

Just as Cid is about to take his turn, someone suddenly pokes in Kirito's back. Kirito turns to find Christina standing right behind him, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hey there, Kirito-kun. You seem a bit more tired than usual. Everything okay?" she inquires, her concern genuine.

Kirito stifles a yawn, responding to Christina, "Just burning the midnight oil studying, you know? Late-night cram sessions and all that." He tries to mask the fatigue, but his eyes betray the lack of sleep from his nightly endeavours as The Dark Swordsman.

Christina raises an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Studying, huh? You might want to consider getting more rest. Dark circles don't suit you," she advises, a playful smirk on her face.

"I'm just trying my best to keep a good schedule," Kirito responds to Christina's inquiry.

Christina, with a somewhat unappreciative tone, remarks, "Certainly been busy these days, haven't you?"

Kirito nods, acknowledging the truth in her statement. Christina then shifts the conversation, asking, "How are things going with the princess?"

Kirito caught off guard, stammers a bit before managing to say, "Uh, good. Things are going good."

Christina, with a diplomatic smile, says, "I don't want to pry into your relationship, Kirito-kun, but it seems a bit off lately."

Caught off guard again, Kirito nervously asks, "What do you mean, Christina?"

She leans in, lowering her voice, "I know you're a good guy, Kirito-kun, but looking at Alexia, it looks like you might be caught up in some shady scheme."

Kirito, scratching his head awkwardly, says, "Well, you know, relationships with princesses are delicate. Who knows when she might decide to dump me for a knight in shinier armour?"

Christina, narrowing her eyes, retorts, "If she does anything to hurt you, Kirito-kun, I swear I'll challenge her to a battle!"

With a sly grin, Christina playfully swings her sword towards Kirito, who skillfully sidesteps her, avoiding the mock attack. In the process, he accidentally nudges Cid, who's in the midst of demonstrating his sword skills.

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