10. Peaches - JeongLix (❤️‍🩹?)💌🔞 (FTL) (PWF)

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(Author's Note: sorry if you aren't a mult but my multi-fandom heart couldn't resist using this as a title. Also I'm sorry 😭 I made Hyunjin and Changbin the assholes and whores in this fic I'm sorry babies I really do love them but it's for the ships I swear 😭)

To say that Felix had a horrible day would be an understatement. He'd gone from nothing going wrong, to everything going wrong in an instant. To start off he failed his midterm by exactly one mark, next his phone died, after everything else the professor that actually treated him well was forced to sign in his resignation after someone told the dean he was getting too close with a student. A student that was his nephew so he already knew it was a flat lie. On top of all this he'd found out that not only was he being cheated on by his long time boyfriend, but of all people it was one of his and Jeongin's former best friends Hyunjin, to make matters worse He found out as soon as Chang in broke up with him, saying he wasn't good enough.

Midway through the day he borrows someone's phone to call Jeongin during dance class to tell him that he's going to be leaving for the day and that he won't meet up with him later for lunch. Leaving the person back their phone, Felix thanks them for their kindness before packing his things to leave.

It's been a week since Felix cut class and he still can't find the strength to get out of bed, even if it means depressing himself more by missing his best friend and he doesn't even know why it pangs his heart so much to miss the younger. After hours on end of playing in bed he hears a sound he didn't think to hear that day. Jeongin was at his door with a spare key Felix had given him since Jeongin didn't like to sleep alone sometimes, but Felix didn't mind since for the longest time Changbin had settled for ignoring his existence, and Jeongin's cuddles always meant more to him anyway because the younger doesn't let anyone else even touch him let alone hug and cuddle up to him the way he lets felix do so.

Felix stays in place as he hears his bedroom door open, he stays in place even as he feels the bed dip signaling that Jeongin's now seated in place next to him. Not having the energy to move he just stays.

"Hyung you haven't eaten or showered in three days please get up. Please?"

"I'm fine innie I'm just tired..."

"That's not just it hyung and we both know it. Let me take you to one of the house parties I want to have fun with my best hyung."

"Innie I don't want to..."

"Not even for my best cuddles? Come on I'll even drink with you"

"only because I miss your cuddling..."

"See I knew I was the one with the best hyung."

Pulling Felix from the bed he pushes him into the bathroom as he pulls from his bag, a grocery back of snacks and treats and drinks to fill Felix with. After finally finishing washing up Felix leaves the bathroom to see Jeongin still in his room, but with extra things he'd not had previously before.

"If my best hyung is drinking then you need food first please? You have no idea how hard it is to find ramen this good this close to the dorm that isn't sold out already so you're going to eat all of this even if I have to hand feed you hyung."

"If it's from your hands I'll eat anything innie."

With Felix turned facing away from him to close his bedroom door once again he misses the way Jeongin's face turns a brief shade of pink before he conceals himself with a neutral expression.


While at the party Felix finally lightens up, standing clung together with his best formed as they drink together and chat with old acquaintances they've not talked to in quite some time just because of Changbin and Hyunjin's jealousy of them. As Felix continues lightening up, he smiles brightening the room and everyone else around him not noticing as Jeongin not only watches him, but also looks past him at a particularly jealous looking group beyond them in the close distance. As Felix starts to turn in that direction the buzzed Jeongin only sees one solution.

Stray Kids Smuts And StuffsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora